
The Christmas tree, and something close
I feel it now deep in my bones
There is something here that knows
Something more than just these sticks and stones
I don’t know what to give it for a name
Or even how to identify what I feel
From nowhere, it seems, it came
With fingers so cold and heart of steel

The scent is so thick you can smell the green
Transparent thoughts, though
Or it’s just what they seem
And for me it’s just too much to know

The girl with the dog, umbrella in hand
And the seed of hope, so fertile in strength
What they’re all thinking where they stand
In the end what’s true at length

The beginning is so malevolent, so questionable
Formulations have been made, letting it slide
Further into oblivion, so now they’re all indispensible
The truth is blind, but so’s what’s inside

Can’t you just see it all at once -
Reality not shadowed;
Stories explaining it all that lasted for months
This false belief in all that has been hallowed?