The Galileo Galilei "I Don't Wear Levis" Quiz

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"I Don't Wear Levis"

1. If Galileo were to analyze a dream of his, what would the dream most likely be of?
Running very slow

2. What the Weather Channel geeks are indebted to Galileo for.
Doplar imagery
Stage Fright

3. The most controversial book of its time landed Galileo how?
As a slave
Under penance
As a Port o'Potty cleaner
Under house arrest

4. The title of aformentioned book.
Letters on Sunspots
Rudolfine Tables
Dialogue on Two Chief World Systems
Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man

5. In 1990, Pope John Paul II tried to alleviate the guilt set upon Galileo's corpse after how many years of innocence?
348 years
358 years
368 years
408 years