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Cheer Booster Notes from May until August, 2001

August 1, 2001

Highlight of Minutes

Folders and files:

The booster president requested that a file or folder be kept for all fundraiser activities for use in the future. This hopefully, will make it easier to organize fundraiser for future boosters. (Contacts, resources, funds raised for each project.) It will help us decide what is successful and what will not be worth the effort.

Each officer, is to keep an on going report of their job description.

Clarification of Public Relations Officer:

Along with the secretary, PR will be a liaison between the school office and the booster. Need to clarify what activities are feasible. PR and Secretary will also handle “thank you-s” and press contacts. Purchase of stamps and cards were authorized.

Clarification of the Treasures duties:

Money is now available do to the hard effort of the girls and parent to place funds in our account for the uniforms.

Uniform Report:

The booster president and vice president are working closely with Cheer Zone to have our uniforms on time for the first game. When we know what time / day we will get the uniforms we are arranging to have the embroidery done. Turn around time should be within a week. Amy VonSteenburg is being contacted. Cost of 25 uniforms will be $6014.

Future Goals will be to get one set for each squad then start on the next set, unill we have two uniform sets for all team. We will also need to help raise money for Zemmer West's (Jr.High) squads.


Over 80% of the girls will be taking gymnastic classes. We are contacting P.O.L.O. as to times. Tuesday, will work out best for the cheerleaders. On a trial basis, gymnastics will take the place of a day of practice. If the girls do not preform well than extra practice will be scheduled. We will be prepaying for our classes; no refunds for missed practice. ( We still have to find out if make-up sessions will be available. ) We are trying to see if we can avoid a conflict with band practice.

Future Plans:

Varsity will be going to several competitions. Like last year JV and freshman will be going to at least one competition. We need to think of activities to support our girls.

Weight Training will continue on Wednesdays during football practice.

Car Wash report:

Special Thank you via County Press, a picture and card will be sent to AUTO ZONE for rescuing our car wash. The proprietor extra efforts were greatly appreciated. We raised over $422.00.

Information for car wash at Sunrise is available. Will consider it in the spring.

Mandatory Bottle / Can Collection continues until all money is collected. (50 girls x $20 = $1000)

Candy Sales:

We are contacting Oxford Theaters for Candy Sales. As the candy does not have to be pre-paid. Local Business, good deals, usually make a lot of money.

50-50 Raffle:

Sign up Sheets for 50-50 Raffle. Will consider having JV and Freshman sell tickets during the game up till half time. Also gate sales by parents. No limit of sales. (Minimum 4 parents per game)

Will find if we can also have 50-50 during JV- Freshman games.

Mijers Gift Certificate:

Will be a mandatory fundraiser. All girls will be required to sell $100 worth of gift certificates (September through Xmas) $25 denominations. Can be used toward groceries, gas, whatever. Should sell well during school shopping, and Holiday shopping season. Gift Certificate will be purchased at practice and delivered within a few days. Boosters will have to sign a contract. For each $1000 of gift certificate sold we will make $50. Most parents and family members will use and purchase gift certificates. This way we will not be asking people to spend extra money, no junk offerings. Can be used at any Mijers. Side Line Sofa: Still need to get okay from district / athletic department. Details are being worked on.

Cheer Clinic: Flyers were sent out for the cheerleaders to have an input. Previous publication will be reworked and then the committee will decide what material to use in the final publications.

Prices for the clinic will need to be determine. We will need volunteers. Cheer clinic is tentatively scheduled for July 22nd.

Athletic Department is being notified we want to do Panther Classic Competition again. We are investigating this and the possibility of Metro Cheer Competition.


Varsity will do a dance and cheer presentation. As many JV and Freshman girls are to be there as possible. Plan a give away for every $5 donation give away the T Shirts we have in storage. This way we can get our money back. We will also need some for the cheer clinic.

Wanted Banner for competition. ( Will look for business sponsors/ sale of advertisement.)

Logo for letterhead shown.

Library Collection of Cheerleading Materials:

Will survey the girls about whether they would use books, videos, magazines about cheerleading, exercises, weight training if available from the school’s library. It was asked that we consider it for the future purchases.

Meeting Highlight June 27, 2001

Treasures and secreatary report was given and accepted.

Officers were nominations and selected:

  • President and Vice President
    ( vice president to assume office next year)

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer and Co-Treasurer
    (to be trained for next year)

  • Press/ Media (PR) Representative

  • Parent-Representative from each squad:
    Varsity, JV, Freshman

Job Descriptions are to be determine at a later time.
Officers will meet one half hour prior to regular meeting unless otherwise indicated.


Update on Uniforms:

Varsity Coach informed the group of problems getting the uniforms we had originally selected. The delivery date could be into the start of the fall football season. Part of the problem is the payment schedule and when money would be available from the school district. Time was spent discussing our expected cost and options we are faced with. We decide to order the uniforms from the local distributor at Coaches Corners, as they promised to deliver by start of season. The costs of the uniforms were more within the line of what we expected to pay. We will also be saving on shipping and handling costs. The newly elected President and Vice President of Boosters will go in to make the appropriate orders and selections.

A new style of uniform of shells, skirts and pants were selected.

Polo Gym:

Polo Gym will be approached about changes in schedules for classes starting with the new seasons. We forgot to consider the band schedule when we scheduled classes. This can be a large conflict for many cheer families.

Weight Training:

Weight Training is to start the week of July 11th at 5 pm. The girls will be trained in correct methods and will eventually weight train for 60 to 90 minutes once or twice a week. This is important if they want to progress in stunts and competition.


We need $2000 for uniforms by fall. We have a portion of the money, now

Selling Candy…

We would need to purchase the candy up front and then sell to the public making our money back and getting the profit. Various candy variety and selections were looked into. We also discussed problems at previous sales ie non-repayment of profit that is why we want to request money up front. Squad parent reps are to survey the parents and see what they are willing to do.

Car Wash:

2 dates (July 21st or 28th) are being requested from Burger King. We are also investigating the possibility of using Sunshine Car Wash in the early fall football season before it get cold.

Adults must be present
We need to bring towels
Shift to be 4 hours…everyone to participate.
Once date is know we will have a sign up sheet
Donation to be requested … usually earn more money

Lapeer Days Booth We have discussed Lapeer Days Booth. At this time, it was determine we may not have the volunteers needed. ( Same parents show up to meetings as those who volunteer.)

As the girls will be performing (Saturday) after the parade. They also might be in the parade. It was decided to place a donation bucket out.

Silverdome: We can not yet provide regular volunteers for football season, but we expressed interest in special event booths instead. We feel we can handle this until we build our volunteer base.

50-50 tickets:

We can sell them during football games, but we need more parents to cover the gates. We will be posting a sign up list at practice.

Side-line Chair Raffle: Side-line Chair Raffle has been okey’ed by Athletic Director. We will be hauling a couch to games in a pickup Cheerleaders will “Serve the winner” pizza, pop and treats. Names will be announce at the game by VOICE OF LAPEER. We are still working out details.

Prom Dress/ Fashion Show: We are still working on Prom Dress exchange and agenda. We are contacting other schools. Many of the schools host two a year.

GIFT CERTIFICATES: Looking into GIFT CERTIFICATE sales. Mijiers and Krogers have given 5% of sales in past events.

West Zemmer Cheerleading Booster Meeting: June 6th West Library

Next meeting Wednesday, June 27th, at 6:30 pm in the parking lot. Bring chair, insect spray and comfort measures. Nominations and selection of officers.

Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser:

Reminder Pick up at West Parking lot’s Tuesday, at 5:30 PM. The delivery truck will be there and is usually on time. Team practice runs from 5pm until 7pm that night. Try to be there to help with sorting. Camp:

We reviewed the need for camp attendance with the new freshman parent who had a lot of questions. Camp is recommended because of the skills and routines learned. A lot of team bonding occurs during this time.

We discussed stunt camp date and times and when the deposit money would be needed. Positions will be open to Varsity and then J/V teams.

Camp Shirts:

54 girls are on all of the teams. Cost of shirts and screening was compared between Graphix and Speedy. We selected Grpahix because they were significantly cheaper in price for similar shirts. We have one confirmed company sponsoring the cost of shirts ($5.50 each shirt) for a day. (Shirts selected by the company were light grey with navy lettering.) We are waiting to hear from several other companies if they will sponsor a camp shirt for other days. We should have confirmations by next week. It was decided that we would purchase t-shirts instead of tanks because the cost of tanks were $2-3 more and would not have space for advertisement on the back.

    Cost for shirts:

  • 60 girls X $5.50= $330.00 per set of shirts. There may be a slightly higher cost, as we did not price the lettering on the back.
Camp shorts:

There are some shorts (new) in assorted sizes left from the bulk order made last year. They are made of poly-stretch material (not woven.) The girls are to bring their money to practice, on June 12th and June 14th to purchase them. The coach will give us the order number if we need to purchase them at Coaches Corner.

The shorts can also be purchased ($7.00) at Coaches Corner in downtown Lapeer. The girls will need blue, red, green and black. Be sure to check the sale racks.




The cheerleading team and the CHEER BOOSTERS will keep separate checking accounts and financial records. The school cheerleading team accounts are subject to school and administration policy to a greater degree than Parent Booster Clubs. Now that we have money, the acting treasure will open a separate saving and checking account.

Expenditures from the School account:

  • Paid $699 for wind suits
  • Paid $665 for shorts (last year’s bulk order)
  • ( Remaining shorts to be sold at practice)

Weight training:

Tentative schedule has been set up with the West Athletic Director. We are currently planning twice a week practice starting in July.

Polo Gym:

The owner and coach from Polo Gym spoke to the group about the program they are setting up for our team. They will be setting up beginner, intermediate and advance level classes based on the skills the girls have currently achieved. We discussed what were the expectations of both the parents and Polo Gym staff. Beside the regular gymnastic coaches, Polo Gym now has coaches with strong background in cheerleading and dance to help our team performance improve.

Gymnastics will be in place of one day of training during the sport season. Varsity coach did state she can not say for sure that they will need more practice during competition season; but then there will be no games to cheer at, so it should work out.

    Cost breakdown:

  • $30 per year as registration fee
  • $28 per month. It must now be paid in ADVANCE. Policy for missed practice will be stricter.

    Sessions will be:

  • 15 minute warm up to prevent injuries
  • 25 minutes at each of the 3 stations
  • Ending with flexibility and strengthening training.

The Cheer Booster organization has looked into sponsoring the entire cost for all the girls for a year, ($16,080) but the amount is prohibitive at this time. We may consider paying a portion of the cost in the future, but we have no money at this time and uniforms are a greater priority.


The coaches showed us various sweaters, pants and sets that they felt would meet our needs. Costs, movement and stunts were taken into consideration.

The coaches have examined the uniforms in storage to determine our needs. It was determined we need 40 new sweaters and 20 new pants. After determining the costs of the various uniforms selected, money available in our current school account, money pledged by the school administration, it was determined that the Cheer Boosters would have to raise $2,000.

We have authorized the coaches to start sizing the girls at the next practice so we can order the uniforms. Money will be need in the fall when the uniforms arrive.

Fund-Raising Reports:


Cookie dough sales….

No information from the representative is available so we should table it until we have more information. This is a good activity just before Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday when families need quick goodies for the holidays.

50/50 Raffle… We have applied for and obtained permission to conduct the 50/50 raffles. We will be posting sign up sheet at meeting and practice to get volunteer parents to sell tickets. We could double our take per game if we had more volunteers.

Individual Fundraising:

Coaches will announce pop drive, bike a thon, car washes during the summer so the cheerleaders can help raise money. The girls will have some individual accounting for their expenditures set up so they can earn money to offset their camp costs.

Bike a thon : All girls ride 10 mile; they collect pledges prior to the ride for family and friends; then turn the money in afterwards. Date to be decided on, probably in June.

Car Wash:

Dates to be announced Permission has been obtained from Burger King. It was suggested that the girls also get pledges from sponsors so they can also earn money from that. A donation/tip jar will also be available. Poster and advertising will have to be arranged. Parents/ adults have to be present at all times. Appropriate school dress is required. ( Swim suits must be covered!)

Panther man:

Beauty contest for the “boys!” A booster parent reported on her phone interviews with other schools who have done this as a fund- raiser. A “talent” demonstration was made by the boy who is entered, they are asked silly questions, tuxedo walk/parade. The students would then be judged. The boys would probably have to win a prize beside his crown. We will need the support of the school and staff. We would earn money by paid nominations and selling tickets to the beauty contest.

We discussed the costs and consideration of using the school building to host any activities.

Candy sales:

Brand named candy in kits. Does good during the summer months since no one else is selling. Anticipate over $1000 profit if every girl sells one kit. There can be no return of candy. It must be sold or we would make no profit. LAPEER DAY BOOTH:


  • “A” section …. $120/day (most desirable) for non profit booth

  • “B” section …. $90/day

  • “C” section …. $80/day

Sell food/ drink, balloons, craft items

"Honorary West Cheerleader"t-shirts
(The unsold t-shirts can be sold at CHEER CLINIC)

pom-pons, the freebie novelty items coach was given, etc ANY THING WE CAN THING OF APPOPRIATE FOR THE OCCASION.

Donation cups will be available. Need to think of ideas for the booth.

The cheerleaders will be performing after the parade. They probably will be expected to do demonstrations near the booth and be in the parade. There will be a sign up sheet and everyone is expected to work the booths for a 3 to 4 hour shift.


Parents/ Adult need to be present from:
10 am until 9pm … all days…
(7pm on Sunday)

Cheer Clinic: Need to advertise because notes are not ALWAYS sent out by all schools.
Made over $1000 that one day.
Most of the cheerleaders really enjoy this day.
Price increase: $20 lunch included

    Plan to add other activities at stations:
  • Cheer related arts and craft activities
  • Face painting / temporary tattoos,
  • kid-crafts items to sell WEST/ Panther Themes
  • (scrunchies, neck warmers, pillow cases, gift bags for Xmas, jewelery, friendship bracelets thing the girls would like.. )
  • old uniforms and pom-pons
  • Paint pumpkins if close to Halloween
  • Poloraid picture sales
  • Sell West Cheerleading Coloring Books
  • Sell Our ouw cheer leading book
Nutrition information
  • Exercises for kids…… Everything was very basic and written to fifth grade reading level. I modeled the book after several books I had purchased from coaches corner.
  • List web links in the cheer book
  • tips sheets..... how to make the team. Everything was very basic and written to fifth grade reading level. I modeled the book after several books I had purchased from Coaches Corner. If you want to see it let me know.

    Have the cheerleaders model correct cheerleading stances/ exercises and was included in it in the cheer book COLLECTION OF FUND RAISING IDEAS

    Sale of items:

    Homecoming/ school events: face tattoos / painting
    Football mums
    Sale of flowers, gift items, candy etc for holiday

    Booth at the craft show: (new idea)


    $45.00 usually free to student groups
    Juried crafts need okay, from CRAFT SHOW ORGANIZERS
    … No vendor stuff
    Sell poinsettias from WOJOs or Perkins sell for $5-10 above their fundraising selling prices (special deals.)

    Neat idea: Tall glass jar / has special glass cap, a houseplant grows in water in the jar, a small fish swims in the jar, the neck of the jar is decorated with coordinated ribbons and floral arrangement. Cost less than $10.00 to make. Sold for $20 to $ 30
    Or bake goods …… fresh baked Italian pizzels… like elephant ears… could have pre-baked in bundles to sell and make fresh for eating…Should not conflict with Project Graduation or the other student groups…

    WEST Theme stuff might be a good seller… I bought the cutest neck warmer and scarf set make out of polar fleece. I made some for Christmas 2 yards x $16.00 gave me 5 scarves and neck warmers. Old Navy sold scarves for $10 last year and mine were nicer.

    Host Chinese raffle / gift basket…. Get donated items from business (like gift basket idea) …. Put a glass jar next to the item to collect votes/ tickets. Sell tickets $1.00 per 2 or 3 chances. The customer fills out the name, address, phone number. Then puts the ticket into the glass jar. Names are then drawn out then they win the prize. Do Not have to be there to win. Prizes are mailed/ UPS to the person if they can not collect it from the school. Last year, at the Millville craft show, I won a “movie basket” with popcorn, 6 pack of pop, a new release video and Movie tickets.

    Host cake walk at the craft show


    School Dance:

    No function is scheduled between Thanksgiving and Christmas....…… Christmas ball. Need to consider overtime for janitors. We would have to arrange the DJs. Supply chaperones etc.

    “Lottery”/ Tiered Prizes: Purchase a chance get an envelope turn in with the address, when you buy your tickets. Winnings are then mailed to you directly. Very little work for the sellers but a lot of work for the organizers who have to balance the books. Need to sell $1000 tickets to make a profit. Main Boosters use to have raffles and they sold $1000 of tickets readily. Most families are familiar with lotteries and raffles. Need a gaming license. The girls/ families would have to sell 18-20 tickets.

    Fashion show/ Prom Dress Exchange:

    Still needs information from Grand Blanc. Discussed with Centerline. Need to get together with other schools. Cross exchange dress because no one want to wear a dress a friend wore last year. Do it up big tuxedo booths to arrange tuxedos.

    “Serve and English tea / luncheon” during the fashion show. Need to find stores that will allow dresses to be modeled.

    Could also have gift basket silent auction and slave auction at this or another function. (chili / spaghetti dinner during the fashion show.)

    Slave Auction:

    Adult for supervision/ group of cheerleader auction off their services. Clean house, baby sit, weed a garden, paint a room ( new faux tech can be done by anyone) The girls would have to be responsible and be willing to work hard. Age appropriate tasks.

    Silent Auction/ Gift Baskets:

    Used by: Call of the Wild / Lapeer Horticulture Club/ and other organizations. Best done within another activity.

    Collect donated items from businesses can take a long time to organize and procure. Make up themed baskets and nice displays of small inexpensive items. Big ticket items can stand alone. Bidding sheets are placed in front of the items. (A minimum bid should be assigned to each item about 1/ 2 of the original value. Donator should tell you the value: Garden Bench Retails at $100; opening bid would be $40 to $50.00. The bidding would continue for 1-2 hours then closed. Items are brought to the judge’s table and winners are announced. They then pay for their prize and take it home.

    Money is made by us: Original ticket for entrance to the event. Not paying for the original items up for auction. With the gift basket you group like items, so the expense could be kept low. The girls could also get donate stuff kids like.

    “Side-line Kingdom “ Special chair/sofa is put at the side line to observe the game in comfort. Tickets are sold and drawn. Winner sits on the side line and the cheer leaders serve him through the game with special treats. Get and pay for his food and drinks. Special cheer in his/ her honor. Just make this a desirable / funny activity.

    Panther Classic…… Inadequate facilities at West but might be able to do the concession stand.

    Silverdome / Lions Games and Special Events:

    One Monday night and Thanksgiving
    Time: all day affair start 9am for one o’clock game
    Volunteers Will need to be trained.
    Provide service people.
    One booth 12- 14 people.
    Must be 15years of age. Family event: students and parents.
    Make about $500-$600 per game.
    Hockey made over $23,000 last year. (take = 11%) Tips/ donations Can decorate the booths.

    Contract must be signed. Assign a less desirable location, but if we are organized and do good we can get a better booth.

    May 2, 2001:

    Minutes of Lapeer West Zemmer Cheerleading Boosters Next meeting will be June 6th. in the library at 6:30pm.

    School is closed during the summer months (July, August). Meetings for the summer will be held outside at West.

    Emily reported that tentative tryout dates are as follows;

    Wed. May 30th
    Thurs. May 31th
    Monday June 4th
    Tues. June 5th

    It was decided that Officers for Boosters will be done after tryouts at the June 6th meeting.

    PizzA Fundraiser

    Carolyn Woodley reported about the Little Ceaser's Pizza Kit sales. Order forms were passed out with more to come soon. Money is to be paid when order is taken and turned in with order form. Due to the week that was schedule for orders to be turned in and delivery made being Memorial weekend, Carolyn is going to call and see if it can be change. As soon as she finds out calls will be made to Boosters to let them know new dates.

    She also scheduled a sale for Oct. 3rd. through the 17th.

    Financial Report:

    The account currently has $4100.00 with outstanding bills not accounted for yet. Emily Wenzel assured members that she would complete this by next months meeting.

    New Uniform Purchase: Emily Wenzel said she would need 40 new sweaters at a cost of $50-$65.00. And will need at least 20 more pair of pants. She will have at the June 6th meeting what she wants and cost. Old sweaters are not available anymore.

    Camps: Coaches could not give dates as of yet. Determination of which camps the girls will go to will be made when Libby Bashore gets her camp assignment.

    Deposits for camp ($50.00 per girl) will be due as soon as teams are picked.

    Fundraising for camps was discussed. We are not sure if we can raise money for camps for the girls. In the past the girls have raised money for themselves and it was put into individual accounts for them.

    It was discussed canvassing businesses for our camp shirts. Parents are going to check into this and report at the next meeting.


    Emily was not able to contact John Blough. Carolyn Woodley will try to get in touch with him. Debbie Sprague reported that Linda Shamaly of POLO Gymnastics is willing to work with us. She has offered a beginners, intermediate, and advance class for the girls. The cost would be $7.00 per class per girl. Linda would like to meet with the Boosters to talk further about the program. She will come to the June meeting.

    Weight Training:

    Mike Nichols has talked to Mike Smith and will set something up as soon as the teams are picked. He will report next at next months meeting.

    New Business: Some suggestions where made for; Spirit busses to games and competitions. Tailgate parties Phone lists Buddy system for new parents into the cheer program

    Fundraising Brainstorm Session: Boosters listed as many fundraising things as they could think of. After that was done everyone was assigned one fundraiser to research and be able to tell us about at the next meeting. We will decide which ones we want to do at the next meeting and make up a calendar for the year.