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Highlights from the Booster Minutes for 2000-2001

February 19, 2001

Treasure's and Secretary’s Report reviewed and accepted.

Art and Craft Show Report:

Discussions were held regarding organizing a jury committee of an odd number of judges (five at least.) Application are to be sent out to all 570 crafters in the data bank. Our goal is to have the craft show booked earlier for next fall. We discussed rearranging and possible elimination of some of the booths. (vendors-type.)


Boosters decided, we need to have written rules for use of our concession stand by other groups. We need to send a letter to other groups at the beginning of the year to let them know there are guidelines. An orientation (short 1 hour ) program for new volunteers and members of other groups using the concessions stands.

Volunteers are needed for the track concessions for both Zemmer and West teams.

Valentine Dance:

$400 of profits were donated to the Prom Committee. We need to avoid conflicts with other big events for next years event or consider a different activity. We need to avoid “glitter” in our decorations, it is too difficult to clean up.

Pot of Gold:

It was projected Pot of Gold Committee has sold over 130 confirmed and unconfirmed tickets. Final head count is needed by March 4th for the reservations.

Court yard cleanup:
May 12, 2000
8am until 2pm

Court yard clean up is scheduled with the May flower sale.

School Store

Our volunteer coordinator for the school store, discussed what was selling and what was not. She will be putting in an order for new items soon.

Project Graduation

After a spirited discussion it was decided we would donate $300 to Project Graduation. We also discussed the need to have guidelines for donations to Project Graduation and to other school groups.

Chairs for Marching Band

It was suggested by a parent by the marching band that we purchase new “blue and gold chairs.” We need to discuss storage and have cost specifics before a vote could be made.

Next Booster Meeting will be ….MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2001


Secretary’s and Treasure’s reports are reviewed at each meeting.

Craft Show Report:

Eighty spaces were rented out to crafters.
There were over 1,200 paid admissions.
Tentative profit is greater than $4500. (This was twice the profit of past year’s craft fair!)
Committee meeting is scheduled for January 10th to discuss next year’s craft show.
Recruitment of crafters, the database, advertisement, planning event, etc. to be reviewed and discussed.

Pot of Gold:

Pot of Gold is scheduled to be held, at the Lapeer Country Club
(on Hunt Rd.) on March 14th.
Tickets should be available for sale starting in January.

Concession Stand Report:

We discussed the need for more volunteers for the concession stand during the up-coming basketball games. We discussed the need to set aside $1500 toward future improvements to remodeling and improving the football stands. We also discussed the need to purchase an electric pizza warmer, now, for the concession stands.

By-law and Loan Money Guide lines:

A brief discussion was held on the need of the Boosters to review and clarify the By- Laws and guidelines for borrowing money from the cash reserve fund.

October, 2000

Fundraising Discussion:

Craft Show Update:

The current status of the Craft Show was discussed. Parent volunteers have been going to other craft shows to recruit crafters. A data bank of all past and new crafters is being organized to help with future recruitment process. Advertisement needs and plans were discussed. New sign purchases (100) was authorized. The change of name to ARTS and CRAFT SHOW was authorized as an initial step toward a juried show.

The current Craft Show chairperson gave a overview of what crafters expect from a hosting facility. We discussed what steps we need to up grade and improve our current and future craft shows. A committee needs to be formed to help do the planning and upgrade future craft shows. We need more planners as well as event day volunteers. We want less vendors and more real crafters.

    Boosters will run the lunch concession stand.
    Project Graduation will have a bake sale table at the Craft Show.
    Fund-raising activities within the craft show was also discussed and tabled
    to be reviewed prior to next year's craft fair.
    Having other West Groups have their own tables to raise money.

    Baskets of Donated Items (Chinese/Silent auctions)

    Give-aways, to attract more shoppers.

    Gift certificate Raffle

Pot of Gold:

The organizing/fact finding committee members gave a overview of what a POT OF GOLD EVENTS actually entails. They explained how other Rotary Clubs have organized and hosted "Pot of Gold" events. Tickets to the raffle and dinner are sold in advance. The committee is looking for locations for hosting the event off campus and insurance cost. It was voted to organize an official committee to investigate further with the plan to finalize plans and vote in November for final authorization and allocation of funds.

Review of Up Coming Events:


Turkey bowl is held each November. Four teams of 8th and 9th graders compete in various novelty and crazy games . Turkey Bowl is designed to encourage cooperation and develop camaraderie among the students. Teachers organize the event for the students. Funding for supplies may be requested of the Booster club.


At end of third marking period, honor students are served an ice cream sunday at lunch by the teachers. Parent volunteers are welcome.


The Boosters are the traditional sponsors for this dance. The dance will be held on February 10th. Funds were authorized to pay for the DJ.

 Court Yard Clean Up:

Annual Flower Sale by Project Graduation will be May 12th. Our Court Yard Clean Up is hosted on that day. Bring your gardening tools and supplies.

Open Forum and other Fundraising Ideas:

 Silent Auctions / Gift Baskets, in conjunction with another event. Silent auctions work best as an activity within another event. Donations are to be collected and grouped into a nice presentation (baskets). Donations can be just about anything. Bids made by event goers into a bid book. (Opening bids are pre-determined at greater than half of the value.) At the end of a predetermine time, bids are tallied then the “prizes” awarded.

 House Tours during the Holidays was also discussed. It was determined this might be looked into in the future.

September 18, 2000

Current balance, after purchasing West Library carpeting, tables and chairs, walkie-talkies, art portfolios, and a $2000 donation to the Science Department, was $5333.93. $5,000 was entailed as cash reserves and assigned loan fund as stared in Booster By-Laws. This left us with a net worth of $333.43. Expenditures and request for money were later tabled until more money was available after the Craft Show in November.

The needs for volunteers were discussed for:

 Craft show: set up, West booths, taking admission fees, advertising and putting/ taking down up signs and cleanup.

 Concession Stand volunteers for all sporting events and other activities through out the year. Sign up sheets are sent around. ( Concession stands are open during all home games for football, soccer, basketball, track and field events and any other activity we can earn money for the Boosters.)

 Chair person and assistance need to operate the school store. ( Major fund-raiser and point of pride.)

 Volunteers are needed through out the year for multiple events.

Boosters began investigating ideas for a number of fund-raisers. Everyone was asked to bring ideas for fund-raising events to the board. Those that brought fund-raising ideas were asked to investigate further and bring back details and more information, so we can make and informed decision. The Board stated it is hoping to create an atmosphere were encourage individuals will feel their ideas and suggestions are welcome.

    Fundraising Ideas suggested were:

      Used sport equipment sales
      Prom Dress Sale
      Hudson Christmas help fund-raiser
      Cow Pie (Chip) Bingo
      Fireman’s Beef Roast during Lapeer Days
      Pot of Gold reverse raffle



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