Rules of the VoR
All members must wear their VoR tags if you are seen without your tags you will be removed from the clan unless you come to the king and queen with good reason.
The time for our clan is as follows. 1 RPG day = 5 IRL days. Please take this into account before you decide to have a child. You must be willing to wait out the pregnancy period to have a child. If your character has a storyline including early childbirth then you must ok it by the king and queen.
All weddings, engagements, pregnancies, deaths, and births must be posted in both the clan mail and the post.
Remember always that no matter what a member's position is, they have the right to share their thoughts and opinions if they feel that it would help the clan. Although there are higher positions within the VoR, we all have a voice that should be heard.
All members must show up to the VoR meetings..(If you can't make one you must email the queen and let her know)
Two Characters per person within the VoR. You may have other characters in other clans as long as they do not interfere with VoR business or keep you from performing your role to the best of your ability. Exceptions may be made if you wish to play a child role. Again it must be cleared by the Queen.
We ask that you show respect to your fellow clan members regardless of rank. This includes greeting family members when you see them, be it a nod, a wave or say hello.
You may have characters in other clans and still be VoR if you agree to keep VoR business in VoR.
Being in other clans does not mean you only use your VoR name when your bored or to do a storyline.
Being VoR is an honor. The privledge may be revoked if you forget that.
If you are not able to be around you run the risk of being removed. If you are absent you must inform the Queen. Unexplained absence again will cause you to be removed.
Any VoR mail sent to you may not be forwarded to anyone out of the clan. VoR business is for members only. As well, VoR meetings are for members only unless invited by the Queen. You are expected to keep VoR matters within the family. If anyone gives out clan information they will be removed for treason.
All current and future members of VoR MUST create a character BIO and send it to the Queen
The VoR symbol belongs to Alessa and she may take it away whenever she sees fit.
Only VoR members may wear the symbol on their name. Any non-member seen with a VoR symbol will be killed. This includes former members who have not been officially reinstated.
The VoR is owned by NicaMagic and only Alessa has the right to disban the Clan.
Remember character separation, just because you know someone as one character does not mean your VoR character knows them. As well anything your VoR character knows, your other character does NOT know. Failure to understand this rule and follow it will be cause for your removal from VoR
NEVER argue with a fellow VoR member in a public room. If you have issues deal with them in whisper or in VoR_castle. NEVER strike another VoR unless you are sparring or its a part of a Storyline. If a VoR does something that warrants their death, you must bring it before the Queen.
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