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X2 Project - Aerosal Art Magazine

Ease Interview

Ease (IHS Crew)

Keams (Q): Please state your name and the crew(s) you represent.

Ease (A): Easeone, Inkheads Crew, The Fantastic Partners.

Keams (Q): When, where, and why did you get into the art form know as graffiti? In addition, how did you come up with your tag, and if you had another tag before the one you have now, what was it?

Ease (A): 1983 was when I started and my brother FAZ taught me and introduced me to writing.

Keams (Q): Who got you started and who do you look up to for a "role model"? Also, who do you think is running shit with respect to bombing, piecing, etc.?

Ease (A): Fazism.Artistic Vandals Crew, Miami1983...The Inkheads RUN SHIT.....

Keams (Q): Who are your avorite people to go painting with? Also, who are your favorite artists or favorite crews?

Ease (A): My favorite people to paint with is Edec, Shie, News, Kase2, Sonic, Lady Pink, Smith,Camp, Part TDS, Snipe from Japan, Cer, King Bee, Jew, Vase ....I painted with alot of writers but my main painting partners have been real good writers even in the old school in MIAMi, Crime, Icey, Ovee, Jes and many other kings.

Keams (Q): What do like the most about graff and why? What do you have to say about the graff scene in Miami?

Ease (A): I love Miami but alot of the new writers dont have any Idea about the 1980's history of true Miami style, from Boming to Burnin with dope pieces...

Keams (Q): How has your style changed over the years? How has graff changed over the years?

Ease (A): My style started out with signatures and then bubble letters, and evolved into mechanical, 3d, window cut shiny wildstyle ..from outer space. the original Space Thief style 13....

Keams (Q): What do your parents and friends (not into graff) think about your graffiti?

Ease (A): They LOVE it.

Keams (Q): How has graff changed your life? Has it changd it in a positive or negative way?

Ease (A): All POSITIVE

Keams (Q): Do you feel that graff is vandalism or an art form that the cops, media, and almost everyone else just can't understand?

Ease (A): In the far future Archeologist will try to define us and Phase @'s brain will be examined to find awnsers about human language. Aliens too will want to know what is WILDSTYLE...Tracy168.

Keams (Q): Some people say that graff should have no part in the hip hop culture...what do u think?

Ease (A): What is HipHop?

Keams (Q): What pennat do you think is the best and why?

Ease (A): The original Pennet was the best it does not exist anymore but for you that dont know its the reason why writers in Miami use the term Pennet. It was the Graffiti hall of Fame for Miami. Located on Fontainblue BLVD.... .OldSCHOOL MIAMI.... LIVES

Keams (Q): Please tell me what graffiti means to you, along with one word that describes it.

Ease (A): What is Graffiti.??? Go find out for yourselves by living it.

Keams (Q): What's the craziest thing you have ever done (doesnt have to be related to graff) and what's the craziest spot that you have hit?

Ease (A): My brother and I once held a dude down and wrote on his face with Pilot markers because the dude thoght we wouldnt catch him cause he was on his bike...He threw a rock and hit my boy Kazoo.

Keams (Q): Do you think that the more fame you get, the more people hate?

Ease (A): I dont worrie about Hate. I hate No one.

Keams (Q): What do think are the best things/spot to hit that run the longest without being buffed?

Ease (A): Thats my secret.

Keams (Q): Have you ever painted legally?? If so, do you enjoy painting legally or illegally more? Why?

Ease (A): I enjoy both.

Keams (Q): Have you painted anywhere outside of Miami? If so, how is the graff scenes in that area different from the scene in Miami?

Ease (A): I've painted In MIAMI, Savannah, Atlanta, Houston, Richmond, Washington DC, Philly, NeW YORK, Tokyo Japan, London, Antwerpe Belgium, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Belize. Everywhere is so different.

Keams (Q): Do you have any interesting chase stories?

Ease (A): Sure I do, read the first 12 ounce prophet.

Keams (Q): What do you have to say for females entering the graff game? Also, do you have any tips for the writers just coming into the graff scene in Miami?

Ease (A): For Women writers I have alot of love and respect, learn the history of older women writers like Barbara and Eva62, Charmin, Cowboy, Lady Pink, many many more. Shout outs to ESA,IHS... As for new upcoming writers in Miami be smart about what you do and be respectfull... learn and ask about Miami writers before you.

Keams (Q): Name all the members in your crew(s) and state why you entered that crew, how you got in, what holds you together, and what makes your crew stand out from the rest ...

Ease (A): INKHEADS is deep and Top SECRET.

Keams (Q): Do you think that graff is addicting? If so why? Also, what motivates you to do graff?

Ease (A): The fumes in paint and the INK is the best fragrance...Addict for LIFE

Keams (Q): Do u think that bombing these days is just too heated or do you just say "I dont give a f**k"? Do u think that its expanding or dieing out?

Ease (A): Boming is more difficult these days, I still get busy boming ,I basically bring my Chihuawa with me and wear a beard and I always bring a giant size pack of M&M's chocolate.

Keams (Q): Is it just me or are the police paying way too much attention to vandalism when they really should be trying to catch all the murderers, rapists, etc. out there? Expand on this.

Ease (A): I live in NYC now and the police here is FOUL. The NYPD are the Murderes and Rapist..

Keams (Q): If you ever get caught (hopefully you won't), do you think its better to be straight up with the cop or to deny it completely?

Ease (A): Police are stupid smart.

Keams (Q): What plans do you and your crew(s) have for the future? Do you see more legals or more bombing?

Ease (A): The INKHEADS CREW WILL STAY HARDCORE in every level.

Keams (Q): Where can one go to see your work? (Locations of legals, etc.)

Ease (A): Liberty City, Overtown, Bronx, Brooklyn, Pluto and Universe13..

Keams (Q): Do you have any last words of wisdom for all the writers out there? Any shouts? Any "f**k you" comments to anyone out there? Any requests?

Ease (A): Love to Moi, Respect to everybody that has love for art. I owe my sweetness to my MOM and courage to my Family. Fazism from Sporadic Germination is my inspiration. Thanks to all my good friends I love you. To all the new people in my life Thank you for your kindness. Shout outs to all Writers. Peace to Meen Streek. Cuba Libre. God Bless Jose Marti.

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