1. Comes to degree night only to point out all of the mistakes that are made but never wants to do a lecture.
2. Complains that the lodge never teaches anything but never comes to study session.
3. Always turns in petitions for new brothers that aren't worth it.!
4. Only sells one ticket to a function only to complain how brothers don't support the lodge.
5. Always complains about the Grand Lodge but does not know one Grand Lodge officer.
6. Buys everyone a cocktail only in November because elections are in December.
7. Complains about the Fish Fry because he wanted to eat ribs that day.
8. Always need help with something but has never called or visited a sick brother.
9. Thinks everyone is against him because he did not get elected or appointed as an officer (wonder why?)
10. Can recite most lectures from memory but don't know JACK about what being a Mason is all about!
Gerald B. Williams