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Prince Hall's Letter


Brother Prince Hall, Master of African Lodge, working under dispensation by authority of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of England, wrote the following letter, June 30th, 1784:


Prince Hall William M. Moody, Most W. Master,

Permit me to return you my hearty thanks for your brotherly courtesy to my Brothers Reed and Mene, when in a strange land and in a time of need, you were so good to receive them as brothers, and to treat them so cordially as they informed me you did. What you have done to them I look upon as done to me and the whole of us, for which I give you many thanks and likewise to all the lodges. I hope they behave themselves as men and as Masons with you; if not I would be glad if you would be so good as; to let me know of it and they shall be dealt with accordingly. Dear Brother, I would inform you that this Lodge hath been founded almost this Eight years and had no Warrant yet, but only a permit from Grand Master Row to work on St. John's Day and bury our dead in form, which we would enjoy. We have had no opportunity until now of applying for a warrant though we were pressed upon to send to France for one, but we refused for reasons best known to ourselves. We now apply to the Fountain from whom we received light for this favor, and, Dear Sir, I must beg you to be our advocate for us by sending this our request to his Royal Highness, the Duke of Cumberland, Grand Master, and to the Right Honorable Earl of Effingham, acting Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens, and the rest of the Brethren of the Grand Lodge that they would graciously be pleased to grant us a Charter to hold this Lodge as long as we behave up to the spirit of the Constitution.

This, our humble petition we hope His Highness and the rest of the Grand Lodge will graciously be pleased to grant us there.

Though poor, yet sincere brethren of the craft, and therefore in duty bound, ever to pray, I beg leave to subscribe myself,

Your loving Friend and Brother,

Prince Hall,

June 30th, 1784; in the year of Masonry, 5784.

In the name of the Holy Lodge.

C. Underwood, Secretary

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