
Calvin is named for a sixteenth-century theologian who believed in predestination. Most people assume that Calvin is based on a son mine,(Bill Waterson's) or based on detailed memories of my own childhood. (Bill Waterson's) In fact, I dont have children, and I was a fairly quiet, obedient kid- amlost Calvin's opposite. One of the reasons that Calvin's character is fun to writed is that I (Bill Waterson) often dont agree with him. Calvin is autobiographical in the sense that he thnks about the same issues that I do, but in this, Calvin reflects my adulthood more than my childhood. Many of Calvins struggles are metaphors for my own. (Bill Waterson's) I suspect that most of us get old without growing up, and that is inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty who wants everything his own way. I use Calvin as an outlet for my immaturity, as a way to keep myself curious about the natural world, as a way to ridicule my own obsessions, and as a way to comment on human nature. I wouldn't want Calvin in my house, but on paper, he helps he helps me sort through my life and understand it.

More characters coming soon!!!

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