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undefined Port Huron Cheetahs Track & Field Club

Port Huron Cheetahs Track & Field Club


Track & Field Links

Cheetah Spotlight:Academic Achievement Recipients

Cheetah Spotlight:Jaynece

Cheetah Spotlight:Cheetah Captains

Cheetah Spotlight:Hershey State Track Meet

Cheetah Spotlight:Grand Blanc Track Meet

Cheetah Classroom Training

Cheetah Spotlight:Shelby & Ashley

2001 North American Finalist

Kyle says this about traveling to Oxford.It is always fun going to Oxford and I learned never to give up no matter how tough the competition is going to be and to do my best and have fun!

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Cheetah Spotlight

Team Oxford 2004

Team Oxford has been on the scene for a great many years. Headed by long time coach of 14 years Jennifer Lewis and sponsored by Oxford Parks and Recreation the kids travel throughout the summer to various track and field meets. The ages of the athletes vary from the youngest being three years old to the oldest being 16 years old. The kids have alot of fun learning the sport of track and field as well as the opportunity to meet new friends. The older kids that have been with the program throughout the years give back what they have learned by assisting Jennifer in coaching the younger ones.

Coach Rivers says this about Oxford,"It is always a pleasure for the Cheetahs traveling to Oxford every year.The Cheetahs have been traveling to Oxford since 1997 and has always been a fun day for everyone involved. We give each other alot of competition and over the years the kids know each other and look forward to meeting them the next year in competition. The meets are always well ran and organized and I like the fact that no kid leaves the track at the end of the day without something in their hand. Ribbons are awarded to all of the kids and I think that is great!"

Congradulations to Mitch from Team Oxford who will be attending this years Jr Olympics Nationals! Good luck to you!

Mitcha member of Team Oxford has qualified to participate in the Jr Olympics Nationals this summer.The Cheetahs wish to congradulate Mitch on this great achievement and wish you the best of luck in the 400 meter dash and the 800 meter run.Anyone wishing to contribute in helping send Mitch to the Nationals contact Oxford Parks and Recreation.

Cheetah Motto:"A Journey of 1000 miles begans with one step" Chinese Proverb

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