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Cheetah Captains are leading the way!
Cheetah Captains are leading the way!
Cheetah Captains

Cheetah Captains


Track & Field Links

Cheetah Spotlight:Kayshea

Cheetah Spotlight:Jaynece

Grand Blanc Track Meet

Cheetah Spotlight:Classroom Training

Cheetah Spotlight:Shelby & Ashley

Our Team Pictures

2001 North American Finalist

Cheetah History Pictures

Cheetah History:By Coach Rivers

Crim Races Pictures

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What is the most important job about being a Captain?

Kyle says,"The most important job about being a team Captain is leadership.You have to be able to lead everyone in a good way!"

We train to teach! We teach to train!


We take great pride in the leaders of this team.Not only are they leaders on the track but off the track as well.Many of our Captains excel in areas other than track & field and we teach them to expand their horizons and that there are no limits to what they can accomplish.The phrase we train to teach,we teach to train we take seriously.We are always studying new and different training techniques as well as seminars we attend to help make our Cheetahs better atheletes.And then those same ideas are passed on to the atheletes helping them to become more informed and knowledgeable about their field.

Coach Rivers says this about his captains."I cannot say enough good about the leadership abilities of these young men.They never miss practices and when they are out there they lead by example.They all possess the communicative skills when dealing with their peers and the other kids look up to and respect them".

Coach Rivers also states,"It takes alot to be a Captain.I don't take that position lightly nor do I expect any of my Captains to do so.They must be young men or women that are willing to lead the rest of the team not only on the track but also off the track by being good examples and I am very proud of the group of Captains for the 2003 year!"

Cheetah Motto:"A Journey of 1000 miles begans with one step" Chinese Proverb