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About Me

Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Carol (I am known as CJ to all my online friends) and I live in Michigan. I am 67 years young and going through a life change. I am recently divorced after 26 years after finding the love of my life, my soulmate, John, the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

I have five children, 4 step-children, nine grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren and another great-grandchild on the way in May. I just recently lost my beloved cat, Elgato, after 22 years.

I retired in August of 1999, after working for the City as a Municipal Clerk for 22 years in a suburb of Detroit and now live in Northern Michigan.

I love browsing the internet (checking out new things and reading personal home pages), chatting and emailing with my online buddies, and I love playing Pogo games and Texas Holdem Poker (for play money only of course). As you saw on my front page, I have made two other websites besides this one (The Thin Group) and (CJ’s Kitchen Korner). I knew nothing about html or even how to start a website when I started my first one …. But slowly and surely, I learned the how’s and why’s of html - at least enough to build a website any way. And I have even received some awards on all my websites, which I am very proud of!

I also like to knit and crochet, love reading a good book (although I don't read as much as I used to), and I love going to the Casinos - and we do have many to choose from up here. I used to collect porcelain dolls and stuffed bears but not into those any more. So now I just love my angels, especially Seraphim angels.

Well, I guess that is enough – don’t want to bore you all! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the rest of my website.

(This page was updated March 27/2009)


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