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undefined I lost my beloved cat Elgato on March 12, 2009. She was 22 years old! She was much loved, she had a good life, and she will be missed terribly. She is in cat heaven now and I hope she forgives me for all the times I got angry with her and called her a "bossy bitch"!!! I love you Elgato and I will miss you!


They will not go quietly, the cats who've shared our lives. In subtle ways they let us know their spirit still survives. Old habits still make us think we hear a meow at the door. Or step back when we drop a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be, And, sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly. And although time may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill, That one place in our hearts belongs to them. . . and always will.


And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, I am most able
To decide anything for myself

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly.
For my human friends are troubled.
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That you souls are intertwined for all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is...forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat.
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am...forever and ever and ever.
~ Author Unknown ~


There is a place called
Clover Heaven;
Where Life is renewed
and pain removed;
Where bodies are healed
and whole again;
Where life is now
filled with glee
as it must be;
A place our babies must go;
This place called
Clover Heaven.

Where the meadows are
full of Life
with peace and frolic
and no strife
nor fear of danger.

The flowers in full bloom
always changing colors
ever so grand
and a home for many others.

The breeze so soft,
free, and flowing;
So pure and brisk
and moves the grass
ever so tall,
it is a velvet carpet
after all;
So soft and smooth,
so very snug;
tis a good place to curl up
and take a snooze
and bask in the sun
that is ever so warm.
This place called Clover Heaven.

Where the water is so pure and clean;
it looks like a mirror
that I can see
and admire the renewed me.

The clover seems to reach the sky
so full and free
a good place to romp and play
hide and go seek.

So you see:
The sun so warm,
The water so clean,
The grass so smooth,
The breeze so soft,
The flowers in bloom,
A place to romp and play
To bask or bathe,
To snooze and rest
With food aplenty
And water to drink
With bodies whole
And free of pain
With life renewed
and filled with glee;
A place they must go
To await their masters.

So dear Master
Dry those Tears
and smile again
For I wait for you
In this Place called
Clover Heaven.


~ Email CJ ~