(For the week of Saturday, Sept 29, 2007 thru Friday, Oct 5, 2007)
March 21 to April 19
Visit a relative who may be under the weather on the 2nd; you'll both be cheered by your time together. Romance will make you swoon on the 4th as your mate showers you with attention.
September 23 to October 22
Head to a museum or art galalery on the 30th; it'll inspiore you to rediscover a lost hobby. A VIP will appreciate your extra effort at work on the 2nd and openly praise you for it.
April 20 to May 20
A friend may ask for your level-headed advice on the 29th. A money-making opportunity on the 1st may be too good to be true; research it to be sure. Lunch with a neighbor on the 3rd will be fun.
October 23 to November 21
Follow your partner's lead when entertaining on the 29th; he'll love your flexibility. On the 1st, you'll feel valued on the job, while on the 3rd, a spiritual insight will show you how blessed you are.
May 21 to June 21
You'll have no trouble winning others to your side in a family matter through the 1st. Say yes to an invitation from a co-worker on the 4th; you'll discover a fun, new place to shop.
November 22 to December 21
Single? You'll meet an impressive man on the 20th; don't wait too long to let him know you're interested. An evening out with friends on the 5th will energize you and make stress vanish.
June 22 to July 22
The stars give you an edge at work on the 2nd and 3rd; use your clout to push through a pet project. On the 4th, you won't go wrong financially if you have a reasonable plan in mind.
December 22 to January 19
Your favorite hobby could prove profitable on the 29th. Nip a health concern in the bud with a trip to the doctor on the 1st. Romance will make you happy on the 3rd.
July 23 to August 22
Dive into a weekend of fun on the 29th; it'll help you relax. A celebration on the 30th will put you in an especially good mood. The Moon in your sign will make you lucky on the 4th and 5th.
January 20 to February 18
A love matter will be happily resolved on the 3rd. Team up with a co-worker on a special project on the 5th; once the kinks are worked out, it'ss prove rewarding.
August 23 to September 22
There could be a celebration in your honor on the 29th. On the 1st, keep your eye on a new competitive co-worker. Enjoy an evening out with a friend on the 3rd; it'll revitalize you.
February 19 to March 20
A family get-together on the 30th could reunite you with some cherished relatives that you've been missing. On the 2nd, good news for singles may mean a commitment is near.
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