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The Site
Want to send a friend a pot of flowers that will actually grow? You don't need a green thumb to do it with a "spirit flower" from this website! Choose from hundreds of pretty pictures of flower pots. The recipient can see it at the web address Site Fight sends them in an e-mail. Check on it every four days ... and watch it really bloom, yielding a flowery surprise!
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American Factfinder
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Few things bog down the internet as much as emails urging you to "Forward this to everyone you know." It might involve a missing child or a supposed new virus going around or a chance to make money because the number of emails you send are being "tracked." To find out if it's legit, go to this site first and check it out. They have five searches to real info on just about every rumor, hoax or urban legend on the `Net. Enter a few keywords from the email in question into their search, and get the truth!

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How Things Work
Ever wondered how something works? You can find out here. Sponsored by the University of Virginia, the people who run this site will try to answer any question you may have about how things work, from how a paper towel absorbs water to how the universe is expanding, and everything in between! <.b>

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Cindi’s List of Geneology Sites
If you plan to do genealogical research on your family, this is the place to start, with over 126,600 links in 150 categories to genealogy resources!

So You Wannas
Teaches you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school: how to avoid getting a traffic ticket, how to fake being a wine expert, how to talk with the dead, how to lose weight, how to be a movie extra, and much more…


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