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October 10 2002
You know nothing of Javert!

Wow! Last night was incredible! I saw Les Miserables, which has always been one of my top 5 favorite musicals. It just moved up a couple more places. It was awesome, and the guy who played Val Jean sounded really familiar so I looked at his bio, and it turns out that he's the same guy who plays the phantom in The Phantom of The Opera in my favorite recording! It was just awesome. When I got home, I was happy to see that my dad was back from Nebraska. I stayed up and talked to him about my random theories of science, and the future until around 12:30 and then I went to bed. And we had a two hour delay at school today. Awesome.

I've been having all of these really long crazy dreams at night ever since school started. Last night I dreamed that Mitch was the prince of this weird alien zoo and I was an animal trainer there. He personally owned as pets around 200 dogs, 300 cats, 1 lion and a walrus. It was also his 30th birthday in the dream. When I told him about the dream he laughed and said that he had a dream last night that he was shopping with Mrs Irish. I'm just like, yeah... i don't have many nightmares like that....

So I think I'm gonna start recording my dreams again, but this time I'll post them online. I know that to most people, listening to your friend's dreams is a boring version of hell, but personally I like hearing about people's dreams, and I'm sure someone has to want to hear mine.

I made a new friend yesterday. I can't remember his name. He came up to me in the hall and said he liked my pin( the one with the senators on it) and that he had seen me around and wanted to know my name. And yet, I can't seem to recall his. Not that I really care anyways.

Yesterday after school, me and annie went to the library and played chess for no particular reason. Today, I stayed after school for my detention, which Ryan ever-so-stupidly skipped. Damn you! Abandoning me with those...freaks! Well, he'll just get a Saturday then. I've been rambling for a while so I'll close with a question: Would you rather have a green sky with blue grass, or a blue sky with green grass? (put science behind you for a moment)

Listening to: "Stars" - Les Miserables