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October 11 2002
They are sad in their suburbs and robots water the lawn

Sometimes I wonder what I am doing. This morning I was talking to an anonymous "aquaintance" and for some reason I pretended that I needed to go to the same place as him just so that I could keep walking and talking with him, which is something that I like never do. I don't really know why, but he really makes me happy when I'm around him. I think he's one of those rare people who can make everyone happy when they are around him. Sometimes I wish I was like that, but I seem to be better at dragging people down.

Well, I've been officially accepted to CMU but I don't know if I will go there or not yet. I won't state my "goal school" because I know that most of you would laugh if you heard where I want to go, and I am not in the mood to be laughed at. Wait till tomarrow to mock me, okay? I would do the same for you.

Wow, today was a waste of time. I did nothing and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna head to bed early because there is nothing that I feel like doing. I was going to go to the Bestiary concert tonight, but after evaluating the circumstances, I decided it was best not to go. There are certain people that I would rather not be around today. Myself included, however it is often difficult getting away from me. Going to Grand Valley this weekend. It will be better than St. Johns. Haven't had a chance to answer Alex's emails yet because of the whole "having-to-log-onto-the-computer-under-a-different-name" whatnot.

I still have this odd fascination with this one guy at my school. It's so random, I barely know him, and most of what I know about him, I don't like. Yet, I find myself making up a fake life for him. I imagine him not getting along with his parents, and I imagine him being really sick of his friend's and feeling trapped. There are so many details that I've created for him, that I think I would be totally dissapointed if I ever were to get to know him better. I just like that time I was talking to Ryan and Patrick about that church that they went to on a Sunday that only had 6 people. In other words, reality will someday shatter my life because most of my life is a fantasy. This guy at my school is just the latest chapter. I love to watch him and pretend to know what he's thinking. Does anyone understand at all? I don't think so. The truth is, I have invented fake lives and fake personalities for most of you people who read this journal. I could tell you about them if your interested, but I don't have fake lives for everyone.

Patrick thinks its dumb to look at stars. He embodies everything that anyone ever hated in republicans. And yet, he makes me understand republicans a bit more. How could anyone think its dumb or cheesy to look at stars? They are fucking incredible when you think about it, I don't even have to think about, I know they're incredible. Okay. So another question, you say? Here you go: Do you think that the Beatles are overrated or underrated, or that people respect there music, exactly as much as they should? just wondering.

listening to: "My Friend" - Groove Armada