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May 11 2003
Will we care again?

Well, I've officially had this particular journal up for a year. I must say that I am much happier at this point in my life than I was a year ago. Circumstances seem so much better than I could have ever expected at that time. Although, I do feel rather morose at the moment. I've just done some reading, which made me realize that no matter what I do... well... I guess, its just that I can never change the past and I can't add in experiences that I never had, or that I was never included in. This bums me out. Other people will always have these specific memories, and I could hear about them forever, and its impossible to really connect with them. And most people don't understand how important memories like that really are. I mean, I know its cool that I have my memories, and my past, but I just wish that I tried to be more influential in everyones life, and didn't stick with just one group of friends for years at a time. Thats the easiest, not quite accurate, way of puting it.

I think I need to be happier than I am because, when I think about it, I have cause to be verry happy, but I feel quite ennui today. Mothers day and Eddie didn't get me a present. Tomorrow is school. School=artifical hell. I wish I was on the southern tip of Argentina right now, watching the penguins jump off the rocks.

listening to: "Bleed" - Ours