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October 15 2002
See, knowing me, he'll say "I love you," and I'll say "Sucks to be you," which somehow doesn't come off as well as "I'm sorry."

Well. One instant I'm doing okay, and then something of very little importance happens, and for some reason I am in an incredibly shitty mood. I am an unbearably bitter and cynical person. If I wasn't me, I'd hate me. I mean, I still do hate me, but I think you should to. Do little things ever remind you of the past? I used to be happy when I though about the past and all my accomplishments, but now... Now, for some reason, I try so hard to avoid thinking about anything but the future because otherwise I get in pissy moods like this. I don't even care about the near feature anymore. Who cares about thanksgiving break, christmas break, or even next summer? I can stand school. It hasn't killed me yet. I "value" my education, and I can't get my mind off of 2004. I'm so confused about my plans.

Why do I bother planning so far ahead? Because its all I have. I've lost interest in what everyone's doing on the weekend, what TV shows on at 8:00, what movie is coming out, who so-and-so likes... For some reason, nothing matters now. The only thing that really matters is my future choices. There is one really big decision that I'm gonna make and I really don't know if I'm brave enough to do the right thing.

This is all meaningless to you, right? I should shut the fuck up. The stupid little thing happened tonight that reminded me of my stupid history that converted me to this mood. I apologize.

Sweetest Day is on friday. The dumb hallmark holiday that i have never once been able to celebrate. Actually, I was going out with Marc during seetest day last year, if I remember correctly. Go on, kids, buy your sweetie a rose! And buy them a card from Hallmark! The truth is, I would actually appreciate a flower or a card someday. That might be nice. Maybe my one-man fan club will buy me one, but I doubt it. He's such a strange little person. This fan-club is a different guy that that freshman guy. So maybe I have two members in the club.

:( I wanna celebrate sweetest day.

Listening to: "Springtime for Hitler" - The Producers

Did you know that they use "The Beginning of the End" by Clint Mansell in the new LotR trailer?