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October 17 2002
There's no "I" in team, but there's a "U" in ugly.

So today's looking pretty okay. I ate four apples! Thats insane because I basically never eat apples. Anyways...... I'm sure you really cared.

The sky was incredible this morning. First, all of the stars were out, which is awesome, but then when the sun began to rise, all of these awesome colors started appearing. I was quite amazed. I should've taken that as a sign that I'd have a good day.

Today, I amazed people with my ability to tell fortunes. Unfortunatly, there are two girls that now have confirmation from me that they will die within two years. I can read palms too, in case you wanted to know. I read a book about palm reading in 10th grade, and I still remember most of it.

Well, tomarrow morning I head up to CMU for the weekend. I am in an honors chamber orchestra that I was in last year too. It kinda sucks because we have absolutely no free time basically and the other students who get chosen were really not fun last year. I didn't really get along with any of them. Last year I was the only bass player, but I heard that this year there will be five of us, which makes no sense. Chamber music can't be played with 5 basses! You won't be able to hear anything! My concert is at 5:00 (i think) on saturday.

I almost forgot! Today the most wonderful present arrived at my doorstop. It was my cardboard chick cut-out from last spring! I couldv'e sworne that Jessica still had it, I have no clue how it got on my porch. Very strange, but appreciated, nonetheless. I love unexpected gifts! I wonder if Jessica and Annie still have their chicks.

Listening to: "Miss Misery" - Elliot Smith