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October 2 2003

Truth is, you're not even looking at me...

I'm feeling really pouty right now, but honestly, when am I not. Even though (due too stupid reasons as usual) I'm pissed off right now, its been a good day/week. The month has been horrible, by that I mean the past four weeks. October itself i starting out lovely. And its only going to get better! Today I managed to finish two pictures that you can check out in my art section. Which is really good for me. When I get into these low points in my life all creativity is stifled and I can't draw or paint or do anything basically. But I am coming out of it, and as proof I have some crappy drawings.

The concert the other night (Saves The Day/ Taking Back Sunday) was good. I made a point of people watching. There was a guy there who looked and dressed, and even seemed to act, like Patrick. It was funny to watch him try to talk to strangers and get rejected. There was this unattractive not-quite-but-almost-punk couple that was making out during the whole concert. I tried to dislike them, I do thrive on bitterness, but for some reason I felt like defending them every time someone sent an evil stare their way. I felt happy for them. Many guys wearing anti-bush shirts. I heard Bush's approval rating is below 50% now, even the republicans are turning on him. Which makes sense since he's a pretty shitty president. But I won't speak of any of my thoughts on politics...

Because I was talking about the concert, which you can read a little about in my other journal. If you don't have a link to that, its probably for good reason, and I most likely don't want you reading it. Someone on Elfwood wants to do an art trade with me. Its been so long since anyone's wanted to do an art trade with me. And, I've been added to an Elfwood tour. I've always wanted to be on one of those. I need to calm down...and quit being disgruntled.

Listening to: "Fake Frowns" - DCC

