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October 22 2002
Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him

So this weekend was awesome. I did my orchestra whatnot at CMU and actually ended up seeing some people I knew, such as Nick, Eli, Annie, and Jen as well as meeting some pretty awesome new people. I have to go there again this Saturday for some scholarship competion, but some of my art is also being featured in the Lansing Center on saturday, so I have to go to both.

I had another appointment with Dr. Mc Aully today. She's the psychiatrist. It was a waste of time, just like the last one. And I have so see her again in a month! It sucks. She's no fun. Its strange, because I really enjoy seeing my therapist, but the psychiarist just really sucks.

What are you gonna be for Halloween this year? Yes, you have to dress up!! What should I be? I'm dissapointed because everyone is going as a LotR character. I don't want to do that. Hey, I won tickets to a domestic problems concert on the radio, but am giving them to alex (following dad's request) and I won a CD from some local band. I love you all (actually, very few of you), thanks for reading.

Listening to: "Last Goodbye" - Jeff Buckley