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October 25 2002
And then we'll both look back on it as bad timing, thats all

So I am not feeling well. I forgot to take my pills this morning again for the second time ever, but also the second time in three days. My stomach hurts and I have really low blood pressure so all day I've felt like I was gonna pass out. It was kinda cool at first, but then... You know... It gets old.

I saw Marisa the other day, and that was nice. Its cool to have someone back in town. And Patrick is going back to Ohio tomarrow. Oh well. I think he's grown tired of being around me anyways, we're so different. Sometimes I really can't tell how I feel about because I sometimes really seem to hate him, but other times.... i don't. Not that it matters. Within the past month, he seems to have possibly gained a little weight and alot of facial hair. It makes the whole "him leaving" thing alot easier. :) At least we get to keep the cooler of the two brothers.

Seriously, I'm definently starting to like Bronson much more than Patrick. There his hope for Bronson yet, he can switch his life around. And it will be much easier for him to do this when Patrick moves. They came over again tonight. Patrick says he wants to leave his oldest guitar at my house because he figures it will be safe here. Bronson stole a bunch of popsicles from my freezer and hid them in his coat, and Ryan complained when I refused to go and film movies with them tonight. As I said before, I'm not feeling to "conscious".

I received a post card from Jessica the other day. Her life has faced some big swith-a-roos in Belgium. Apparently he befriended some Satanic guy who is teaching her a bunch of "weird" frech words. She is doing poorly in school (mainly because every class is taught in french) and she seems to be having alot of fun. Other than the whole having to eat raw pig part (lol).

I was gonna write about all the other stuff that happened this week, but as it turns out, I'm pretty fricken tired of typing.

Check out the picture Bronson did of me tonight.

Listening to:"Time" - Pink Floyd