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October 5 2004
Til the sun goes down.

I have the strongest desire to curl up in a ball out in the grass and cry. I'm not sad, or in a bad mood. Little things happen, people say things, and they briefly offend me to the point of not wanting to exist. Mentally, these comments don't hurt (as they have little/nothing to do with me), but my emotions have always been a little skewed and rarely work well with my mind. I'm happy! Why do I allow myself to be hurt by people who don't even affect my conscious mind?

More than anything right now, I want this to be real:

Or something similar. I create these ideal characters in my head, but everytime I create them, and plan every detail of their life, it kills the chance of them occuring in reality. I don't have the urge to cry anymore, it comes fast and leaves fast. I do know that if I happen to do what I did last time, I will want to cry again though. Fuck unpredictable emotions. Fuck all emotions.

Listening to: Ani D.

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