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November 1 2003

Here's to you and me

This is the first entry to feature a Deviant Art artist, rather than an Elfwood one. I found that recently I prefer DA to Elfwood for various reasons, such as: there are more varied artists on DA (styles, subject, etc.), there is a higher percentage of talented artists, and...well thats about it. I like the fact that it takes seconds to update my DA gallery, where as it takes up to 3 weeks to update my Elfwood gallery. The one thing that I like more about Elfwood, is that you don't have to be a member to comment on art. And they have those cool tours. I guess its all a matter of taste.

So yesterday made me like Halloween even less. So many bad things seemed to happen to me at once. However, I think that I handled them all very well, and I was much more...mature? or maybe responsible? than I normally am. I talked to my parents, and my second parents (the Germains), and my third parents (the Deveaus), about school and such. They all are encouraging me to go into art. I know that I've been sort of a...I don't know, I've been very immature with my attitude towards art school. Mostly because I've only been thinking about my future career, and I didn't want to be stuck doing something that doesn't make money. Which, its true, I would make very little money as an illustrator or fine artist, but wouldn't it be worth it? I spend all of my time drawing and painting. It only seems logical to want to continue as a career. In a way, I know I'd be giving up a lot if I decide to go to art school. I may never be able to work in a museum, or travel the world like I've always wanted to, but I will be able to draw and paint and do what I love for the rest of my life. I'll probably never go to Egypt, but maybe I'll be able to do illustrations for a book about Egypt. Or something else that involves living vicariously through someone else.

So I have a meeting with Kendall on the 12th. I've been readying my portfolio, and I made some really fancy looking prints of a couple digital pictures. I know they discourage having digital art as a portfolio, but I'll only bring a couple. I was pretty depressed yesterday, but I'm beginning to accept my former goals as my current ones. Wasn't it just last year that I dreamed of going to Kendall to become a freelance illustrator? I like that idea now. I'd be going to school with cool kids like Claire, Lisa Davy, and Dustin Conley. And I know that if I actually try and put some effort into, I can be a fucking amazing illustrator. I'll be a fucking amazing student too. I wrote that in a letter to Grand Valley. Slightly different wording. I did so much bragging yesterday, in my letter, and in an essay for Kendall. To write stuff like that truly reminds me of what an awesome person I am. I have a great many accomplishments for being such a horrible student, and person, in the past.

I'm not arrogant.

As a kid...and now, I guess, I've always subconsiously thought of myself as Hobbes. Isn't that strange? I guess its mainly when I'm around certain people, like Rachel, or Annie. When I try to picture myself in my head, the only thing that pops up is Hobbes. Yeah...Hobbes is awesome. I really don't like l337.

Listening to: "Prague" - Damien Rice

Damien Rice is even cooler when you picture Cillian Murphy singing