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January 11 2003
What's taters, precious? What's taters, eh?

Yeah. So hello. Yesterday was a looonngg day. Or maybe that was today. It really doesn't feel like yesterday was friday. not that anyone cares.... i know I don't.

Event Horizon was on the sci fi channel tonight, so I watched it. Even though I was home alone at night, it wasn't scary at all. It may have been because it was the millionth time I've seen it, or it may because it was butchered for TV. It was enjoyable anyhow. I have a hella lot of drawings to upload. Sometime. Not now.

That one guy called me tonight (not mentioning names, for fear of offending). Dunno how he got my number. Creepy guy... Implied something about me being his girlfriend or something, made me not comfortable, made me hang up. I can just see Annie laughing at me right now. It will happen to you some day! Just you wait.....

I hate phones. Its so rare that its actually someone calling to talk to me, and even more rare that its someone I want to talk to. I don't like instant messaging either because it gets so confusing because you'll be responding to something that the other person said, and they'll will respond to something you said earlier and its like you always have 2 conversations going with one person. Plus, you always get bombarded by messages from everyone online. I just wish that people would actually want to talk in person more. That is the way that I feel most comfortable, I think. But thats not always.... convenient, i guess.

Okay. I guess that is enough mindless chatter for one evening. I hope you sleep good tonight. I hope I sleep good. "If you had the power, would you erase certain people's lives, and make so it was as if they had never existed?"

Listening to:
"No Other One" - =W=