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November 16 2002
Maybe this is more pure than sin

Well, today marks two of my best friends' eighteenth birthdays. I went to dinner with Claire and her family. Her mom and mine are taking her to the casino, of course I wasn't invited. Jessica, however, will be forced to celebrate her birthday in Belgium with her new family.

Arghh!! I had a dream last night that I was one of the few people that could see colours that other people couldn't see. It was really cool, and my dream actually involved alot of scientific testing and experiments involving vision. Then I woke up and I was like, "crap". My happiest moments have mostly occured in dreams, or in dream like settings. Good news: haven't had any hallucinations since the photographer one. I kinda miss some of my hallucinations and the people they involved.

Ben Kweller's coming up, and I'm pumped for that, although I most likely will not be able to go due to some unforeseen circumstances. Thats the way it usually goes though. I'm even entered in a contest to meet him before the show, but its not to likely that I'll win.

So did I mention that I'm not celebrating Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving? Yeah, we're doing it the day after because my dad won't be home. So I'll do nothing on Thanksgiving while all my friends eat dinner with their familes. Which reminds me...

I've discovered the happiest person on earth. He is my new idol. I refuse to give out his name, because I'm selfish and sick of sharing idols, and sick of people ignoring me, and sick of people turning against me, and sick of not being informed, and sick of you. What was I saying again? Well this guy keeps a journal, and he says that he's in love with everything, such as office halloween parties, daylights saving time, and bowling for columbine. He's in love with everything, just life in general! He's just about the opposite of me (i'm in love with maybe one or two aspects of life) but he's what I want to be. I think I would be much more happy if I quit clinging to the unattainable.

And since I enjoy getting email's, I leave you with another question. It's your turn now. "What do you honestly think of me?"

listening to: "Jolene" - White Stripes