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November 22 2002

Love is a golden bag of computers

Wow. This could be one of those in the top 5 best days of my life. Yes, I think it is. The fun begins at 8:00 when I walk up to my spot next to the stage, and level with it, at the sold out Ben Kweller concert that was supposed to start at 7:00. The opener, Adam, was awesome. He was so incoherently funny. His songs made no sense and you couldn't hear his guitar so it was like this crazy guy just singing nonsense into a mic.

Then BK came on. The only thin seperating me and the guitarist (the scorpion) was yellow caution tape and a monitor. I was right there, and it wasn't even crowded where I stood. And since I was so close, between songs, I could talk to BK and ask questions, and he actually responded! Played all my favorite songs an 2 brand new ones. Actuall,y I should say 3.

For the thrid encore song (and final) they brought Adam back out and they sang "Kokomo" and danced. It was awesome. The best part: After they left the stage for good, I grabbed the set list. It would have been perfect but this blond bimbo grabbed it from my hands and tore a big chunk off it. I ended up getting both pieces, but its not intact. Oh well.

I also met this really cool guy who was standing next to me. He said that he had seen BK like 4 times in concert, and they were practically on a first name basis during the concert. Afterwards, this chick comes up to him and was like, "Are you realated to Ben or Adam because you seem to know eachother." It was pretty funny.

Also, my other absolute favorite living singer, Jason Mraz, is coming to MSU! And tickets are only $5. I can't wait for that. It will be cool because there will pry be even less people at that show. I'm still glowing, I don't think sleep will come easy for me tonight.

Listening to: BK's voice in my head.