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November 23 2004

Give me some time to get on your mind

I have rather mixed emotions at the moment. First of all: assholes!! I don't like assholes! Especially when I just went and said something nice about you like two minutes ago! I can't really consider you a backstabber though, because you didn't really deserve the compliments in the first place. Ack! But this is nothing right now, be a jerk, I honestly don't care because-

My love love love is back! The "Nazi" (a horrible nickname my dad introduced) is back! That guy is so wonderful and perfect. In my other journal I wrote about how he moved away, but it turns out that he hasn't... yet. We had a lovely lunch, and I only have limited with him before he's goes across the country for business (yes, it turns out that he's quite a bit older than me). And, when he comes back, he will not be returning to East Lansing :( But he says that he will be in the Lansing area, and assures me that he'll still be around. Its still all so fantastic because I thought he was gone already, and I was afraid that he would barely remember me. Now its quite obvious that he has a good impression of me, and I am currently working on something for him, and he is giving me a nice gift soon (something that I need for my art), no innuendos). So basically, I know that when he gets back to Michigan, I will definitely see him again. He's too adorable... The way he smiles, and winks and is always making eye contact from far away... This is such a crush.

God. Fuck me, fuck this journal. Did any of that last paragraph make any sense? This is my problem: google. You can Google my name and get to my homepage. From there, you can read what I write about you (whether it be insulting or embarrasingly complimentary). Therefore, I've made a special effort to make this journal vague lately, I can't afford to offend the wrong people. The logical choice would be to just start writing all of my honest thoughts in my livejournal, which only certain people have access to. But that doesn't work since I don't care to tell most of those people what I think about anything. Livejournal reading is out of convenience. When someone comes to my website, I know that they really care what I'm thinking. And, if you are the "Nazi" from the above paragraph (I'm sure that you would be able to recognize yourself from my vague descriptions), sorry for acting dumb, I don't really expect anything. Just happy to have met you.

Tee hee. Today at work I talked to another portrait artist I work with, she asked if I did oil paints. Nope! How funny is it that none of us have good experience with oil paint? I'm well taught in water color and gouche (and decent with acrylics) and she was used to acrylics.

Excellent! To the asshole I was referring to earlier (in case you happen upon this entry), I'm sorry. You acted slightly jerk-ish to me, but I understand how tempting it is to value your own happiness above someone elses. No hard feelings!

Listening to: "Cut Me Up" - Har Mar Superstar

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