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January 13 2003

No, my little monkey, I'm not a communist.

Dude, I have a headache today. Not so nice. But today wasn't all bad, though with the current situation, I don't I'll be able to have any days that are all good either. I played Vice City so I'll be okay for now. I drew a fricken awesome picture of Haldir today, one of my finest, but I'm afraid that I'm going to screw it up if I try to add to it. I think that I'll end up never touching it again. I also finished that pirate picture that I've been working on for the past couple weeks. And I started a picture for my jeff's birthday, which was originally gonna look really cool, or at least it did in my head, but its not turning out exactly as planned. Oh well. I know that one of my talents is my ability to turn a not-so-good picture into an outstanding one. Hopefully, this will follow through.

Also, I went buy Barnes and Noble today and my whole book situation was worked out! Most of you have already heard enough about my book problem, but I'll enlighten those who haven't. For the past 2 months, I have wanted this book about my favorite pharoah (rammesses II) which cost $60 (a little more than I wanted to spend). One week in December, it was on sale for $40, but I made the mistake in thinking that if I left it a little longer, it would go down in price a bit more. To my dismay, when I returned after Christmas, the book was at its original price of $60. Not only that, but another book by the same author (another book in the same series, I do believe) about the ever-popular King Tut was on sale for $17.00! I was pissed, it didn't make sense that one would be on sale and the other (that I wanted) wasn't.

Anyways, today I returned. The book I wanted, about Rammesses II was on sale for $30 and I had a gift card for $20! I also ended up purchasing the one about King Tut (the same book that I loathed earlier for its unfair pricing) because it was on sale for $10. These are really big books too! So I ended up pating like $20 of my own money for a $120 value.

Now that I've successfully bored anyone who may be reading, I suppose I'll stop. My headache is still here. I don't want to go to sleep. I've begun to dislike dreaming. I have lots of bad dreams, but the good ones are almost worse because I wake up and then I realize that I was dreaming, and I'm actually pretty lonely. And that sucks. Sometimes its better to just not dream, but I'm not so lucky. Do you think its cool or stupid to name children after nouns? (rivers, raven, jewel)

listeing to:
"Do you realize?" - the flaming lips