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January 17 2002
I'm in a room.... with lights!

This has been one fucking long week. Not just long, but fucking long. I can be so insightful sometimes. Good thing is, i'm done with exams, I had half days this week, I don't go to school on monday, and..... I guess I might as well come out and say school is the source of all my problems! But it isn't, hardly....

Why am I so unmotivated? There is so much art that I want to put up on this page, but I can't bring myself to sort, scan and edit it all. It took so much time to just get up the energy to write in this journal. which reminds me....

I've been kinda pissed lately because of ryan. He read one book about Carl Marx, and since then he's been all about communism. He keeps trying to explain how unfair capitalism is. Well, communism may work out in theory, but in real life? Its not the fact that he's a communist that bugs me, its just that he keeps trying to pressure me into thinking the same way. It's like he's a borg or something, attempting to assimilate everyone.

Overall, I'm not in a terrible mood, however, I am on the brink of an artist's block. Once I finish the picture I'm working on now, I'm out of ideas. So I'm gonna be pretty straight forward today. What/who do you think my next drawing should be of?email me with any suggestions, por favor. Til then, stay sexy everyone.

listening to: "National Anthem" - radiohead (really loud)