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January 2 2003
She fakes every pain they feel.

Damn jaguar is slowing me down. Ah well. I suppose the pros outweigh the cons.

Welcome to the best year of my life. So far, at least. Its been some time since I've updated, but I really don't have much to say here. I have a crapload of art to upload, however, I'm not gonna do that right now. So.... um.....

I finished Dustin's angel, and I drew yet another angel, so he can chose which he wants, and I can keep one (hopefully the dark haired one). I had some crazy dreams last night. And I had a hallucination, and this one was alot different than any I've had before. There were no people there, just a computer in the middle of my floor. It had an email on the screen that I really wanted to read, but it was blurry from where I was (my bed) and I was tired. I did reluctantly get up and I kneeled by the computer just as it disapeared and I laughed at myself for being a moron who sees things that aren't there.

Last night, when I went into my room, an extra pillow and a framed prom picture of me and marc were mysteriously placed on my bed. Prolly my mom's doings, but still unexpected.

Answer me this: Are you interested in making my new years resolution come true?adios

listening to: "Battleflag" - Lo Fidelity All Stars