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December 1 2002
The time I would spend with pictures I would not send

....also missed the meteor shower due to cloudy conditions. did anyone get to see it? shite! i live for that kind of stuff.

That, my friends, is a quote from someone else's journal. The happiest sweetest guy on earth. I wish to god he could teach me to feel like he always does. And, he likes meteor showers.

anywa,s happy rabbit rabbit day. Or is it usagi usagi day? hmmmm..... This weekend was very nice in fact. The whole double thanksgiving with the germains was nice, plus, jeff, ruby, and sarah came over on friday. Saturday was spend in the backroom with Alex watching lifetime movies and playing Blades of Exile.

Today I went to lunch with Marc. haven't seen him in a long while. It was nice, except for this really creepy guy (obviously mentally challenged) kept asking us all these weird questions and asked if I was looking for a boyfriend. It was actually kinda funny, but still creepy.

Took Alex and Greg back to Grand Valley. Which brings me back here. Yup. My overall opinion of Thankgiving break? Absolutly depressing, to begin with, rising to a weary acceptance, to a "actually, i'm pretty lucky", to a full out Thankgiving spirit. Yeah, I felt/feel good. I still have this litte "orb" in the back of mind that keeps trying to remind me of things to be unhappy about, but its been under control. I have so good right now! And thats because of my new philosophy, ask me about it sometime.

Oh yeah, if you wanna hear something that sounds really pretentious, ask me about my theory of art and stereotypes. You'll think I'm full of shit, but its what I truely feel. Your question for today, since I know some of you wimped out on the last one. How much do you care about what others think of you? I actually have some interesting points I would like to discuss on this topic.

Listening to: "Cautioners" - Jimmy Eat World