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October 10 2003
A is for Action

No featured artist today. I don't think that people understand the significance of the featured artist. Everytime I write a journal entry, I go out on the web and find a talented, underappreciated artist and try to expose them to a new audience. Unfortunately, I don't think that anyone that reads my journal ever bothers with clicking on the linked picture to see more of the said artist's work. This doesn't upset me as the creator of this journal, it upsets me as an artist. I like to think that these people are talented, and people like what they see here. If you like what you see, go visit the link! Anyways, its not worth bothering with today.

As usual, I went back and looked at the entries around this date last year (warning, if you do so be prepared for horribly mismatched html). Its weird, it feels like I wrote them all so recently. But I remember being sad because it was around Thanksgiving when Jeff and I didn't see each other. But all was back to normal at Christmas, so thats okay.

One of my favourite songs has always been "The Boy With The Thorn in his Side" by The Smiths. But did you know that it was covered by three already awesome bands, two of those being a couple of my all time favourite artists (Jeff Buckley and Belle & Sebastian)? I've had the Jeff Buckley version for over a year, but I just downloaded the B&S and Dinosaur Jr. versions last week. Thats good stuff. Which version's my favourite? Um..Belle & Sebastian. At the moment.

I had a catastrophe today involving my computer and a can of Cherry Coke. Thus far, only my scanner has taken severe damage, but I won't know for sure until tomorrow. These things take time sometimes. Unfortunately, the only reason I got on the computer (right before I spilled the pop) was to scan a picture to work on. Damn it all to hell. But I don't care. Soon I won't have to deal with this tiny sewing table, and I'll have my own computer on my desk. And by my own computer, I mean this one (moving with me to my new apartment), or a new imac.

I know that I always say that I feel like a kid. I'm generally treated like a kid as well, except by certain friends. Anyways, when I take a step back and look at my life, I'm amazed at how grown up it is. Especially with the apartment and Jeff. Jeff is suprisingly mature for his age (except when he's watching tv upside down on the couch ^_^) and it makes me feel that much older just being with him. I feel like a kid at work. I don't like work. I don't like that I'm so incompetent that I need to have things explained to me more than once. That I've been there for...I don't know how long, but it still feels like my first day everytime I come in. That everyone gets together to talk about things in private, in the break room, while I stand out on the floor by myself. That I assume they're talking about me (I know they're not) because the only person that their "in private" from is me.

I like to think that one of the best things about living in Grand Rapids will be my new job, whatever that may be. I met a dude who works at the zoo, I'm hoping he can help me get a job there. Anywhere will work really. Alan says that he could help me get a job at a jewelry store downtown. I'm reluctant to agree to this. I like jewelry, I don't like the environment. Maybe it will be different there. Alan asked, "Would you like to work between Christmas and New Year's at all?" no no no no no no "Sure!" idiot dumbass. I can make up plans, say that it turns out I can't work. That'll show him.

I have a great ZAngband character now. She's a...ha, I can't remember. I think she's a human ranger, level 26. Named Eldirwyn. Yeah...She's really big into killing orcs, she's killed at least a couple hundred, I'm sure. And at least 50 forest trolls. Bringing in the loot.

Listening to: "Designs on you (acoustic)" - The Old 97s
