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December 18 2002

So easy to love, and forget with this kiss

Alright, time for some explaining I guess. To whomever left me the note in the office, thank you for correcting me and I apoligize for what I wrote earlier about Taylor, but not really. When I say that I don't like someone, that doesn't mean that I neccesarily dislike them, it just means that I don't know them well enough to like them. Which in this case is completely true. How could I possibly like her? I doubt she's said one word to me since 5th grade. But I haven't said anything to her either. I'm sure she's a nice girl, but I'm not going to pretend I know her.

So today was pretty cool. It was "frankie says relax day" for my and Shelby. We had fun. Tonight is gonna be awesome!!! I can't wait. But I guess I'll have to since its only 4:21. Listen to me, why's everything so hazy?

So I did something somewhat stupid. Ya know that guy that I like to look at? Well, he's in my art class, and in that class we had to do this project, and I decided to draw a picture of him for it. I guess I underestimated my own "talent" because I hung it up on the wall in the art room today, and lots of people recognized him. Thank god he hasn't seen the picture yet. I would be quite flattered if her recognized himself (the subjects never recognize themselves!), but I'd also be horribly humiliated for drawing a kid that I don't know.

I was quite happy last weekend when Kevin told me that he'd finally asked Beth out, for several reasons. First: Kevin is my buddy, and I like that he's happy. Second: They are quite literally the cutest couple I know. Third: I'm sooo glad Beth isn't single. I swear every guy I know is in love with Beth Snook! I don't quite understand why, i guess she's cute, but since she has a boyfriend, that means that every other girl in St. Johns, and elsewhere, has much less competition, and that means more happy girls, which means more happy people. Happy people=a good thing. Gotta jet! Zibbity boo ba wap!

listening to: "Time After Time" - Brent Spiner