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December 19 2002

Must I dream and always see your face? Why can't we overcome this wall?

Hello again. Last night... Wonderful. Spectacular. True dat, mofo. So... anyways.

This is me being incredibly insightful. Today in the media center I saw this movie on a shelf that was called "I am Jack's liver". I laughed. I make myself laugh alot, and sometimes it causes others to think I'm strange.

I had soooo many dreams last night. I'm gonna tell you about one of them because I swear to god, it had to be at least to hours long, because it was a whole movie in my head. I was Arnold Schwartzengger (sp) and I was the king of this weird alien species. We would travel through different dimensions by climbing into toilets and flushing ourselves into other worlds. It was pretty strange. And it lasted forever, until I was finally killed off by these aliens that reminded me alot of the sand people from Star Wars.

(my secret message to bucky) so whatcha making me tonight? I hope you don't forget. i do love presents! :) (end message)

I'll pry post more art on this site when I get more time because I have tons more.

Did I have another hallucination today? I expected to have one last night, because they usually happen on nights like that. Your question for today: Do these journal entries seem really offensive to anyone (other than Taylor Tenlen?)

listening to: "Njosnavelin" - Sigur Ros