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March 22 2005
Is it okey if I call you mine?

Can you believe that I'll be paying between $50-$75 to see this boy? Oh, the woes that come with being obsessed with something... The shitty thing is that the next night he'll be playing in Cleveland for less than half the price. Of course, Elvis Costello (the reason for the insanely expensive tickets) won't be there. Other problems come with seeing Sondre as an opening act, as opposed to headliner. Other than the price of the tickets, there is also possibility of a really short set. That scares me, what if he plays for a half an hour or less? Also, I was planning on meeting him again after the show. He normally comes out after he plays to speak with the fans, but does he do that when he's opening for someone else? I guess I can picture him haning out at the merch table when his set is over, but what if he doesn't? Suppose I do another drawing, carry it around for the whole show, and never have the opportunity to give it to him? Gah, why can't he come alone? Not that I don't love Elvis... but please, seperate the two!

On a lighter note, I was able to listen to Transatlanticism yesterday, for the first time in nearly a year. It always made me too sad before because it reminded me off Jeff when he was away. Same with Postal Service, but I got over that quickly. Transatlanticism still reminds me of Jeff, to a limited extent, but thinking of him doesn't bring up emotions anymore. I'm able to enjoy it for the music for what seems like the first time.

I like this kid:

He's pretty cool, I'm glad to have met him.

Something weird happened to me this winter, I found myself attracted to several shy guys. What happened? Weird... Young guys too, but still not to the extent that I appreciate older guys.

I've been having these really weird chest pains since yesterday. Short of breath, etc... I'll figure it out. Until then, be ready for me Sondre. I'll be there for you.

Listening to: "Night and Day" - S. L. Vaular

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