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March 4 2004

My birthday's coming up!!! (march 18)

I think I'm going to redo the look of my website again, I'm getting bored with it. I'd like a new website altogether, of course, but I've had this address for 5 years! and I'm not ready to dump it yet. I figure I'll update it all next week during my spring break.

Speaking of spring break, my plans include the following: Going home tomorrow with Jeff <3 and spending a couple days with him, pouting about him going back to school, going to a movie (or something) with my mom, going to Pseudo on Thursday, coming back to GR of Saturday to see David Dondero!! What am I going to do with all the hours in between, you ask? I'm going to watch tv and draw with Sqrrrl in my lap. And do a lot of sleeping. Yes. Thats what spring break is all about.

Ha. I'm supposed to be in class right now, but I got a headache and went home. I did, however, complete the project ad turn it in before I left, so I'm a good girl after all. While most Kendall kids get to begin their spring break at the end of class today, I still have 2 classes tomorrow. Oh well.

For never having visitors, my new doorbell is getting a lot of use. Every time anyone forgets their keys, they ring my doorbell to get let in. Yesterday I had a cop come to my room and question me about this man (I assume to be one of my housemates), He did not have a photo, only a police sketch thing. Pretty creepy, I wonder if its the scary dude upstairs? Anyways, I didn't recognize him or anything from the sketch.

I went ahead and downloaded Avernum 3 and I've been playing it today. Fun, but nothing compared to the original Exile 3. Exile 3 was so incredible just because of house new and different it was. Avernum 3 is Exile 3 but in 3d. So its not new or different, I already know all the hidden dungeons and such. But its fun anyhow! I can't wait until they make a Blades of Avernum.

Having Jeff stay here this past week was wonderful. He's way to good to me, he cooked and cleaned and stuff. Its quite different getting back into my old routine. Luckily, I won't have to completly sink into that routine until after spring break. It would be so great to see Jeff everyday, I'm so happy when we're together, but we unfortunatly have to spend more far more time apart than together. School serves as a pathetic distraction. Oh, now I miss him and I get to see him tomorrow.

In conclusion, watch movies before you read the book they were based on. Good day.

Listening to: "Dance of Spring" - David Dondero
