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March 5 2003

damn. damn. damn. i've written two journal entries this week, and both were lost before posting, for different reasons. thus, i don't feel like writing much now. I do however want to start a new idea of linking a different favourite Elfwoodİ artist with every journal because I believe that everyone should be able to enjoy cruising Elfwoodİ. So do click on the beautiful image above to visit the first of what I hope to be many featured galleries.

Snow day today. I think I over slept because I have been very tired today. I don't know if I used my free time very wisely either. I never got around to writing that extra credit paper for English either. Oh well. Half days tomorrow and Friday!!! Now that you all know my schedule, plan accordingly.

doot doot doot. Well, altogether, today was an awesome day, and I'm in a good mood.

listening to: "Strangelight" - Fugazi