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April 19 2003

I started smoking again so I'm giving up shoes

So we recently found out that Gil was is a car accident. It was him, both his parents and his grandmother in the car and he was the only one that survived, with just a broken tail bone. Its incredibly depressing. The past few months I've feared death more than ever before. The truth is I never feared death at all, I almost looked forward to it. But I feel I'm at a point in my life at which I'm satisfied, actually, I'm happy, and I would really hate for it to end now. I don't want anyone I know to die anytime soon, and I don't know if I'm decreasing or increasing the odds of it happening by talking about it, so I won't bring it up again.

Sqrrrl's being really cute right now. For some reason, he doesn't feel comfortable lowering his head to the water dish, so he keeps sticking his paw in the water and licking it to drink. Dumb animal.

Last night was fun for a while. Emily brought her roomate who looked like a pretty version of Erika Simpson (can you imagine that?) and Claire brought Marty of course. We all played Trivial Pursuit, and that was okay, but then we started playing this game called Encore and my mom seemed drunk and loud and all I wanted to do was go home. My dad managed to escape by saying, "I have to get up early for work", but of course I didn't have an excuse. Damn board games. They're only fun with friends.

Live journal isn't so fun when no one you know uses it. So everyone please please join!! I'll give you the code!

Listening to: "Realize" - Ours