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April 29 2004
I start to think that you may not be real....

I drew this picture of Ayumi Hamasaki a couple days ago. I'm almost certain that I will draw her again in the near future. Not only is she beautiful, but shehas gone through so many different styles. She's often called the Japanese Madonna. But she's way cooler than Madonna because she does awesome dance and electronic music. Anyhow, if anyone is not familiar with her, I've prepared some pictures so you can get a feel for some of her different fashion styles.

And that doesn't even go through half of her different styles over the years. I think she looks the best with her hair like it is in the first picutre. If I, personally, could have any hairstyle, I would like mine to be like the one in the last picture. She's just so photogenic, unlike some of the other people that I'm currently attempting to draw. Especially James Spader, he simply doesn't take good pictures.

I recently rented The Secretary and The Believer. I guess I enjoyed both, but The Secretary about a million times more. James Spader was in it, which automatically makes for a good movie, and Maggie Gyllenhaal's character reminded me of myself. The Believer was nice to watch, though a little too much suspense ran throughout the movie. I'm not good with suspense. And parts were just too cheesy for me. It was enjoyable, though.

I finished my first semester at Kendall College of Art and Design with mixed opinions. I will not be returning next year, but I do value the things I learned, about art and college and general. There are a few people that I'm going to miss, but not all that much. I didn't get attached to anyone at all, but I'm not attached to anyone in St. Johns either. Now just seems like the perfect time to travel and go to school somewhere far away, whats keeping me here? I'm horribly attached and dependant upon Jeff, and I won't even get to see him this summer. He goes to school about 8 hours away, so during the school year we see each other about once a month. This summer, he'll be living on an island in the middle of Lake Superior (now that sounds exotic) and I'll see him even less than I do now. Suffice to say, I don't have any huge expectations for this summer. But I do get to see Jeff in less than a week, before he leaves for his new job.

School this summer...I'm still thinking about it. I know its kind of late to think about what I'll be doing this summer, but I don't feel so rushed anymore. In the fall, I'll probably be at Lansing Community College. I'm trying to convince my parents to take me to California to look at schools this summer, and though they seem to have complied, I doubt they'll follow through.

Tomorrow I move back to St. Johns, and leave my little world behind. It was wonderful to live by myself in the city, but nothing can last forever. At least I still have my own computer. My dad took most of my furniture and all of my stuff back to SJ today. Its empty here, but I have my bed, computer and tv. And a naughty little kitten. She's curled up in a basket right now, being really cute.

Listening to Jeff's last radio show of the semester right now. The musics okay, but I love listening just for the chance of hearing him talk. I'm such a fan girl. I'm pretty lonely, and worried about school tomorrow. I know that I said I was done, but I have my final two academic classes tomorrow. I've been done with my art classes for a week. Oddly enough, I'm a lot less worried now than I was yesterday. Thats all well and good.
