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April 3th 2003

Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.

Good news, I now have a very much undeserved Epilogue gallery. Please visit, and comment, Also, I realize that I never put up a link for my deviant art gallery, and I will do that later because I think I want to clean it up a bit before I tell people where it is. Anyways, my Art Scholarship Alert crisis has been temporarly diverted. It turns out that my portfolio isn't due for another week so with all my time at home next week, I may be able to finish up a couple projects.

Jeff Buckley puts me in such a good mood. So does that one other Jeff character. I have been in a damn good mood all day. It might be because Mitch brought me two bags of long-awaited candy. That was wonderful. And Jessica brought me a brownie! And I got that wonderful forward from Kevin, which I have not the motivation to send on, yet it was sweet and made me feel warm and fuzzy. And now I have a new working DVD player, so thats nice. And one stupid stupid day of school left. One day filled with this horrible anxiety about not being able to finish my project for Mr. Gnegy's class, and not having classtime or seminar to work on it tommorow because of Jazz Band.

I will soon be using that whole live journal whatnot (finally!), but I will keep this journal. I have not yet decided whether to integrate the two, by writing one entry to use in both, or keep them seperate or whatever.... I think that this one will remain ever-so-vague, and I will be more personal in my live journal. We'll see when it happens.

Listening to: "Forget Her" - Jeff Buckley