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April 8 2003

You ain't seen nothing yet...

So spring break is going pretty smoothly so far. Friday was Randy and Ryan, Saturday.... hmm... Oh yeah, shopping, then Risk with D, Ryan and Patrick. Sunday, parents left, then Ryan, Patrick and Clint Eastwood came over. Yesterday was Lansing then dinner at the germains. I love when time goes slow. But for some reason I am having trouble living in the present. Instead of trying to think of awesome things to do during my current Spring Break 2003!!!!!!, I find myself just wanting it to be summer. And I still have to do those fricken art projects! damn.

The ice finally came off the trees last night, but instead of melting, a barrage of it slammed against the side of my house, startling me a tad... I had this really awesome dream last night. There were a bunch of people in my backyad, we were all dressed medieval-like and we were all archers divided onto two teams, and we just tried to shoot the people on the other team. It was cool because instead of bows and arrows, we had mechanical pencils that shot the lead really far, so we didn't actually hurt eachother. Whenever we ran out of ammo, we just searched the ground for pre-used pieces of lead. It was a fricken awesome game, and everyone sorta hid around the neighborhood. There were some pretty random people in the dream too.

listening to: "Happy Endings" - All American Rejects