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May 26 2002
I need to become more spontaneous. Whenever I make a plan to do something really cool, or get revenge on someone, it blows up in my face, making me look like the stupid one. I feel embarrassed, but I'm not exactly sure why. Today was a nothing day, but I'm quite sure that I enjoyed the pace of it. Doing nothing is good for my stamina, oddly enough.

Yesterday went looking for frogs and such, when I found a skull. Not a human skull (unfortunatly), but a racoon skull. I mean, it had a body attatched to it, but I quickly took care of that.

I'm tired. So tired. I'm tired of having sex (so tired). Not really though. Well, I am tired. Is this all just jibberish, because its 2:00 am (waaayyy past my bedtime) and I'm not really making sense to myself. With myself. Or something like that. I don't know.

Ah, to hell with it!