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June 24 2004
It's not all beer and skittles around here.

We were this close to making it to our two year anniversary. Jeff broke up with me today. Actually, he broke up with me last week but I didn't know until today. It really sucks because I really love him, but this summer was too fucking hard. No, our relationship all together was too fucking hard. We were always far away. I really, really wish circumstances were different, that we could have had a normal relationship where we lived in the same town or at least within an hour of each other or someting. I can't even comprehend what a normal relationship is like, where girls see their boyfriends everyday. I don't even know if I could handle that, I've been conditioned to think its normal to see my boyfriend once a month at the most, I think it might be overwhelming to always have them around.

It sucks because over the past couple years, I've pushed all of my friends away to make room for him. I know he did the same. He was my best friend. He has a new best friend now, and I don't have any close friends at all. Time to start a new life, eh?

It's strange, because even though I knew it was coming, I cried a lot. And I don't think I'm done crying. I haven't really missed Jeff this summer, but the thought of him not missing me, or worse, not loving me, is just horrible. I don't think I'll ever be able to accept him being with another girl. The thought makes me physically ill. It's a complete double standard, because I picture myself with other guys all the time...but when I do picture myself with other guys, I'm never really me. I'm always Penelope or Angelina in my fantasies. I guess I've always had problems with self confidence, this really doesn't help.

I'm going to have to give up a lot of things that I like. I know that I can't listen to Postal Service anymore. I don't want to attempt to listen to Death Cab either. I won't be able to watch Vanilla Sky, my fucking favourite movie. I don't know what I'm going to tell Janet, we talked about the possibility of this already, except when we talked it was about me possibly breaking up with Jeff, I wasn't prepared for the ol' switch-a-roo. Not that I wouldn've had the guts to do it myself anyway. I think I'm going to cut my hair short, I know that he liked it longer, but I think I might like it short. I'm not going to tell anyone about this for a few days, and since I know that no one reads this journal, I fell okay writing here. I will delete this entry eventually, I just needed to get some stuff out.

Listening to: "You and Me and the Moon" - The Magnetic Fields
