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July 12 2002

I just visited a hilarious website, but I kinda didn't like it because it made fun of most of my favorite bands. But I'm pretty much over my ska phase, so the stuff they said about that didn't bug me.

Well you know that who deal that went on between saves the day and weezer about having the muppets in their video? Well, they wrote a pretty interesting article on that. D direct quote:

"The funniest part about this whole thing is that no one's realized that having muppets in your video is one of the biggest dorkus molorkus fruitcake moves one could commit, and these two dork squads are FIGHTING OVER IT. "

Which is so true, because the truth, I'm sorry to say, is that I hate the muppets. I've always hated them. As a child, they scared me. Now, well, they still scare me. Weezer's video was cute, but I would have preferred it is they chose something else as their theme. Oh well.

I'm seeing Weezer today!!!! Weezer visit numba 4. I'm excited. Only 2 hours till I leave. What ever will I do till then?

I'm so sick of people. I can't wait till I become a hermit and I just listen to Weezer and STD, and play the computer ALL DAY! People can just... go away. I have no need for them any longer.

listening to: "Falling for You" - Weezer