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July 13 2002

Yesterday was quite possibly one of the "best days of my life" because I am happiest when I am in the company of Weezer and last night's show was simply the best weezer concert yet. The played more songs off pinkerton than any other album. Happiness for me comes in many forms, I guess.

So the concert was fun, and after a short visit to the creepy city of Flint, we got to eat at Bell's. Its all good.

I'm really boring today, huh?

Well, I had many dreams last night that were very strange and didn't make a whole lot of sense. And even after the concert, not one of my dreams contained Weezer. :-( How sad.

In one of my dreams, Jeff D was driving (how unusual) but he started smoking. I yelled at him, and then he took out a glass of vodka and started drinking. Then I started drinking too. Very strange, but not really. Then we ended up at someone's mansion in the country and Ryan, Nick and Adam were there. Ryan and Nick were playing hide and seek and Adam was sitting on the couch smoking pot.

I don't know if there were any hidden messages in this dream, but I would like to figure them out if there were.

I also had a dream in which I was a guy in the future, a land of many robots, and me and this wizard (I think it was Gandalf) were on the run from the future cops. We kept like stealing people's clothes and disguising ourselves. The funniest thing was how we got the clothes, but I won't go into it now because it's kinda gross.

listening too: last night's concert in my head