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July 13 2002 (Part 2) Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy. I'm famous for misinterpreting hidden messages. I miss so many people right now. Its the weirdest things that bring back memories. For some reason, today I was remembering the days in which I emailed my friend Mike everyday, we would talk on the phone and stuff like that, but we had never actually met in person. It's been about a year since I've talked to him.

But I miss some other people ALOT more. People that I see quite frequently, but... there are so many things that I want to tell them, that would probably bring us closer. I keep secrets from everyone I know, but some of them I would just love to get off my chest. I'm scared though. And I feel like a big part of my life is finally gonna end when everyone goes to college and I'm left behind. The days are coming up to fast, and the days that pass are only missed opportunities to set everything straight with everyone.

I need to talk to someone.

listening to: the god damn arguing voices in my head