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July 14 2002 I could not get to sleep last night. I don't know why. I went to bed earlier than usual I think. I don't know exactly when I went to bed. Didn't sleep though.

I do have alot of things on my mind. I am finding it harder than usual to express my emotions to people. I wish it was easier.

I keep trying to tell my mind to shut up. No matter how badly I don't want to think of something, it is always the first thing that pops up in my head. The voices in my head seem to be louder than the Jimmy Eat World that I'm attempting to listen too.

I would be more specific with my problems, and my situation, but I would only end up embarrassing myself in the long run. Hopefully someone will give me an opportunity to vent. But I guess it doesn't really matter.

Today I went aimlessly around town with Ryan, Randy and D in Randy's truck. We ended up going to Ryan's house for a while.

My mom is always telling me to spend more time with my friends, but when I'm with my friends, we end up doing nothing, just like if I were on my own. I love my friends, but it would be nice to hang out with people who were more like me, without my bad qualities. :-) I suppose I can make new friends someday, but I'm somewhat satisfyed for now.

listening to: "Sweetness" - Jimmy Eat World