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July 18 2002

I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and I almost started crying. How could I be losing so much weight? I was already underweight, but now its worse than ever. I think it's my medicine that is making me lose my appetite. I never feel like eating anymore. But I don't know what I would do without my medicine, it really works.

So after muttering about how disgusting my body is, I visited the kitchen and forced copious amounts of food down my throat, hoping that it might some how make a difference in my weight and appearance, but some how I doubt it. I felt sick immediatly after eating.

I know I'm not annorexic. I never WANTED to be skinny. Its just me. But that coupled with the fact that I haven't been eating lately might make a difference. The only reason I haven't been eating was because I haven't been hungry (due to my pills). Anyways, I think I'll stop taking my medicine.

I'd rather be crazy and fat than happy and skinny.